Chapter 14: Keep it simple

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There was an awkward silence. She stood up, brushing the crumbs on her apron onto my floor. Just giving her a death stare. why did she do that? did she really? I'm not cleaning that up. I thought to myself.

While she was walking towards the door, I read Director Nim's recent email. again

"Just wait a bit." finally made sense to me. Just wait a bit. just wait for your mother to tell you that you can go. questions were answered. I emailed him back saying,


"Thank you so much sir! I'll see you tomorrow. What time does the meeting start?"

Re Reply:

no problem, hope to see you there... & 1:00pm. you'll get your own transportation and everything. we got everything covered, just be ready by then.

Its already i dont know, 9:30? I got bored and started playing some random games on my laptop.

Time passed by...

tick tock, tick tock.

its already 10, and I'm surprisingly tired. I shutted off my laptop and turned off the lights. jumping into my small bed, holding a hello kitty stuffed toy in my arms. I checked my phone and looked if I had any notifications or anything, sadly none. I closed my eyes, dreaming about what's going to happen tomorrow. will I see EXO? could I get an autograph? I wonder how Director Nim looks like. All these questions some how made me fall asleep within minutes.


Meeting Day...

I wake up, happy as I ever could be. Excited, nervous, I just felt like cosbckdnfksk. like I can't even express my feels. I jumped out of bed, making my way to the washroom. washing my face, brushing my teeth. going downstairs eating breakfast but, there was my Umma.

"What time are you leaving?" She questioned.

"1:00pm" I answered.

"Who's picking you up?"

"They'll pick me up."

"What if- There it goes. my Umma's negative thoughts. always, what if? What if? What if, give me a break. I took a deep breath. Didnt want to tick her off soo she wouldnt let me go to the meeting again. and softly replied,

"Umma, I'm already old enough to make my own decisions- I layed my hand on her shoulder. To make the moment deep you know? All I need you to do is to support me. please?" I begged

"Alright" she murmured.

Since there was clearly nothing to do, I ran to my front door, putting on some running shoes, opened the closet and got a fully pumped basketball. I ran out side and started taking shots with the net infront of my house. Did a few lay ups, took shots for about an hour?

I take a quick glance at my wrist watch. 12:00! shoot! I need to get ready, I ran right back inside, taking off my shoes. running upstairs and making my way to my room. I nearly tripped. had a mini heart attack. Going through my closet. choosing what to wear. After a few minutes I finally chosed what to put on. A red sweater, blue jeans and a white t-shirt. something simple. I also straightened my hair a bit and added some body spray to finish the look. Smells like roses.

It took me about 20 mins to get ready, not that long. I ran back downstairs, sitting by the stairs looking outside the window from time to time, checking if they're here. I suddenly see a grey vehicle parking in my drive way. can this be it? I stared at the vehicle longer, squinting my eyes abit to get a better glimps. I suddenly see an average looking man coming out of the passenger's door. he's walking towards me saying, "Min Lee? alright, get in. the meeting starts soon." He smiled, not like one of those pedofile smiles, more like those friendly ones.

I quickly grab some pair of high tops, walked out and got into the car.


I know this isnt really the best chapter, but I hope you liked it c: chapter 15, the meeting! xD

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