Chapter 10

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(A/N) literately a picture of me (Elise) in Alaska😱

Chapter 8
Elise's POV
Oh my gosh! I'm off to Alaska, when Anthony didn't even mean to say that about me!
I'm so scared! Alaska is the biggest state in the USA! How am I supposed to try and find Joey.
I sat in my seat for a while, then I decided to get some water.
I sat my elbow on the arm rest and dozed off.
I woke up. In my bed. Was this all a dream? I got up and walked to the door. I put my ear against it.
I didn't hear Ian or Anthony. I quietly opened the door. I slowly walked down the hall and into the living room.
Anthony's back was facing me and he was at the stove. Hmm, Anthony usually doesn't cook breakfast. We almost always order pizza.
I went over and tapped his shoulder. He immediately turned around, scaring me. I looked up at him. He did look the same.
Those weren't those same chocolate, brown, loving eyes. They where dull and kinda faded into a sorta black-ish gray.
"Hey! Elise! How's my favorite sister!" He said in a happy/ creepy voice.
"Um, I'm your only sister....."
"Exactly! That's why your my favorite, silly. Haha hehe."
Okay, this is so freaky.
"HOW'S IT GOING?" Ian almost shouted.
I flinched. Ian was standing close behind me. A little to close.
I looked behind me and he didn't look the same ether.
His eyes where mostly grey and his hair was cut like it was in Food Battle 2008. (Google it lol)
"Woah, Ian you"
"Thanks!" He said and marched to the table.
"Breakfast is almost done!" Anthony cheerfully said.
Okay, this is REALLY freaky! Ian or Anthony would never say or act like this!
"Um, I'm not really hungr-"
"Of corse you are!" Ian interrupted me and smiled.
"No really, I'm fine." I started to back away.
"Oh c'mon! For me......." Anthony creepily said. His face started to get paler and more aged looking.
"your brother." He said looking innocently.
"You- you're not my brother."
"Why yes I am." He said stepping closer.
"No. Your not." I stated. That caused him to get angry.
"YES I AM and you will do what I say." His expression for more and more angry.
"Anthony wouldn't say that!" I shouted.
"YOU DONT YELL AT ME YOU LITTLE BITCH!" He grabbed my shirt collar and drug me to my room.
I started to cry. Then I looked up at him. His eyes where buttons!
Oh crap is this like that Coraline movie? I was always scared of that when I was little and I think I still am, a tiny bit. That was some freaky shizz.
"You'll stay in here until you learn to behave!" He yelled and slammed the door.
If this 'dream' goes on, will Ian and Anthony turn into that freaky half spider half person monster thing? I hope not.
I sat for a while trying to think. Yeah this is totally a dream. OH! I know, maybe I can try and wake myself up.
I pinched myself a couple of times and I started to see a light. Alright!
I suddenly was sitting in an air plane chair, with my phone and everything here.
I whipped my forehead. Wow. I am smart! Haha. I had to giggle a little.
I checked my phone. It read 10:30 so Alaska is one hour back so it's like 9:30 now.
We should be landing in a couple minutes. Then I started to realize that I still has no where to go and that Anthony didn't mean to say all those things.
I started to sniffle a little, but I shook it off. Okay, first I need to find out what city I'm going to in Alaska.
I think Joey was going to the place called Nome? Whatever the heck name means. There is probably a whole lot of short people there?
No, I don't know. Well what I know of is that I tracked where Joey was going and I'm going to the same place.
Great, I am almost there.
------------AFTER LANDING----------
I walked off the plane and walked into the air port.
Gosh where am I going to go now? I guess I'll have to call a cab.
I looked around to see if I could see any cab numbers. The guy beside me was reading a news paper and there was a cab number on it.
I quickly pulled out my phone and copied it down.
"Hi, I'm at the air port."
"I'll be right there."
I hung up the phone and went outside. Dang! It's so cold here! I didn't bring any warm clothes with me.
A couple mins later the cab showed up. It was a big orange cab, wow it didn't even look like a cab, more like a van.
"So, where ya goin'? In to town?" The cab driver asked.
"Um, ya...."
He started driving down the snowy road. Wow, I've never seen snow before. I watched little snow flakes drift on the window. So delicate and fragile.
It didn't take long for the driver to get there. Dang this is a small town.
We pulled up to a small grocery store. The printed name on it said 'Hansons'
"So, where's your mom?" The driver said.
"Um, she passes away when I was little."
"Oh, I'm sorry. What about your dad?"
"Him too......"
"I'm sorry, I didn't know."
"It's okay."
"Who takes care of you then?" He asked.
"My brother and his best friend. But, they act like they are both my brothers."
"Ok, I see."
"Hey, the names Lenny."
"So, you from out of town?" He asked.
"Ya, California."
"Wow, so this must be a big change in weather for you."
"Ya, it is. So, what do I owe you?" I asked.
"Naw, on me."
"Ya. Kid, I know what your going through."
I just looked down at the floor.
"Here's my card. If you ever need anything, call me." He handed me a plastic, orange card.
Well that's kinda creepy.
"Thanks." I said and stepped out of the cab.
Burr. What the heck is the temperature here? I checked my phone.
Woah! 19 freaking degrees? No wonder why my legs are almost frozen. I was wearing short pants.
I rushed into the store and looked around.
What am I supposed to do? I turned to the right and started on isle six.
Hmm, I have money. Should I get something? I walked along and I saw the soda section. I picked a grape crush, those are my favorite. I got a big bag of Doritos too.
I bought them and started waking outside. Wow, this town is small! Oh well, I guess it will be 10x easier to try and find Joey now.
I walked along the sidewalk looking around at all the things. Then **BAM**
łŦ GØŦ ÐλƦƙ.

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