Chapter 20

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Chapter 20
Ian's POV
"Dead....." The doctor said and walked off.
Elise swallowed deep. She was frozen like an ice sculpture.
"Excuse me, I- I need a minute." Her voice cracked and she ran off.
I didn't know where she was going so I ran after her. She ran out of the building and passed the parking lot.
"Elise!! Where are you going??" I shouted after her.
My feet stopped and I wondered what she was doing. She halted right in the middle of the road. A car was coming close.
"Oh my god," I whispered to myself and dashed after her.
The car was getting closer and closer. Even if it would try and stop it would be too late.
The roads where icy and it would skid right into her. Elise was starring right at the car, not moving. Her feet planted on the ground like she wasn't going anywhere.
The car getting closer and closer.
It was right at the last second. I pushed her out of the way and we both fell off the side of the road. She landed on top of me and into a pile of snow.
We lied there for a moment. I sat up and started wheezing. Oh no. My inhaler! I forgot it at the hotel. I'm screwed now.
I looked at Elise, who immediately knew what was happening.
"Oh my god, Ian I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry." She kept repeating.
"Just- help- me-" I could barley talk. I could feel my air getting thinner. She helped me up and climbed onto the road.
We sprinted across the road and onto the parking lot. My vision started to blur and I was trying my hardest to stay on my feet. I finally couldn't take it and collapsed.
"IAN!" Elise yelled.
I just pointed to the doors trying to let her know to run in there and get an inhaler. I was begging for air at this point and it was horrible.
She got up and ran into the hospital. Soon I fell unconscious and couldn't tell what was happening.
I was awakened by Elise. She was holding something in my mouth.
I started panting and taking in greedy breaths of sweet, sweet oxygen.
I sat up and hugged her.
"Thank you."
"Ian, I'm just glad you're okay. I don't know what I would do if-" her words stopped. She started crying.
I stood and picked her up. I carried her back into the hospital. Binder and Joey where wondering what was going on. Their eyes had red around them.
Elise's POV
So, Anthony is dead..... I never thought I would ever say that. I mean he's always been there for me and when ever a crisis was happening he would always say 'everything's gonna be okay.' and comfort me. And now that will never happen again. He's gone forever.
Binder ended up staying with Joey. We couldn't just leave him in Alaska so Joey offered for him to live in his house.
I was on the couch under a blanket just lying there. I had nothing else better to do.
On the other hand, Ian's a wreck. He's been depressed and seems very lonely. It all started when we got back and he went out. When he came back I asked what was wrong.
He just said everything was fine and that he's going to bed. I haven't really talked to him since then but I'm worried. I decided to go check on him.
I got up off the couch and went to his bedroom door. I knocked on it a couple times, but he didn't answer.
"Ian?" He still didn't answer.
"Ian please. Can we talk? I know that there's something bothering you besides what happened to Anthony. Please?" I opened the door.
My heart was crushed by the sight.
Ian's POV
I was lying on my bed, curled in a ball, sobbing and holding a picture. I looked up and turned my back to her.
"Ian? What's wrong?" Elise whispered and sat on the bed. I was breathing like he had been crying for a very long time. You know like the feeling where you can't even talk right and there is just a whole bunch of gasps.
I turned around and hugged her tight.
"S-she *gasp* d-dumped me. I didn't even a-and *gasp* a-another guy *gasp* I-I can't t-take it. *gasp* *gasp*" i cried. I bet she could barley understand be. I was just crying my heart out and Elise didn't even know what was going on.
*gasp* *gasp* I started hyperventilating.
"Ian, it's ok. Calm down."
I started wheezing and violently coughing. I quickly pulled out my inhaler and took in a chest-full. I started breathing a little normal again.
"Ian, who are you talking about?" She asked.
"M-Melanie......." I sobbed and showed her the picture. It was of Melanie and I's first kiss.
"Why would she do this?"
"S-she found someone else. Someone "better" is what she said. I was going to tell her right when we came back. I walked over to her house. She answered the door and yelled,
"Hold on babe" to someone else in the room. I told her I was going to explain everything that happened.
She didn't believe me. She laughed in my face and said,
"So that's the stupid reason you didn't call me?" I was shocked that she would say that. These where her exact last words to me.
"Listen Ian, you've came up with a whole lot of crap. This is the last time I'm going to put up with it. Sorry but I've moved on. I found a new boyfriend and he's better. Better than you ever where. Good bye Ian."
She walked back in the house and slammed the door in my face. I walked home. It was raining hard and the wind was blowing a little.
I was too upset to face anyone or do anything. That's why I told you that nothing was wrong. I couldn't take telling one at that moment.
I sat down on the curb in front of the house and buried my head in my hands.
By then my shirt was soaked and I was freezing. I couldn't believe the love of my life would leave me for- f-for someone e-else....." I explained trying to not burst out crying again.
I can't believe she did that. My heart was completely shattered into a million peaces, thanks to Melanie and her stupid new boyfriend. We had been together for over seven years and now she does this? We where perfectly fine before.
Elise just hugged me for a long time.
"I'm so sorry Ian. I know you loved her so much."
"I did, I was even planning to finally....... propose, but then all of this shit happened. It was a stupid idea anyway. I just don't know what to do anymore." I pulled away.
"Um.... I was wondering if- um there was going to be a- a funeral? Um- for A-anthony?" She asked.
"Oh yah. Yeah um there is....... it's next week....." I replied.
"Ohh ok." She got up and started to walk to her room.
"Hey, you can sleep in here if you want."
"Really? Because I thought you might want to be alone and-"
"Naw, it's ok. I kinda need someone to keep me company." I smiled a little at me.
Elise cracked a smile back and hopped in the bed.
"I love you." I whispered to her.
"Mhmm." She sleepily murmured.
"Well uh, good night." I kissed her head and got comfortable.
Elise's POV
Today was the day of the funeral. Over the past few days where just the same thing over and over again.
We woke up, did some stuff and then went to sleep. It was defiantly not one of my best moments.
Ian and I walked into the church. I saw Binder, Joey and Kalel in the first pew. Kalel was crying into Joey's arm.
As we all knew, Anthony and Kalel where going to get married. She lost the love of her life. She didn't even know he was gone in the first place and now the big news is told to her.
'Oh we went to Alaska and Anthony died.'
I glad I wasn't the who had to tell her. I wouldn't have the guts to or the strength.
We walked in. I sat by Binder and Ian sat next to me.
The speaker said a few words. After that he asked if there was anybody, family or friends who would like to say anything. Kalel went up first. In the middle of her speech she broke down in tears. She excused herself and ran out.
I was the next one.......
Ian's POV
Elise went up to the stand.
"I wrote a poem." She sniffled.
"Anthony, my brother I miss you so much. You made me smile every day, you made my pain and sorrow fade away, you where the best friend I've ever had, no offense Ian heh, you made me so happy, even when I was sad, you would make me laugh, even when times where bad, and you'd always calm me down, when ever I was mad,
You where the brother for me, when I was a baby, you saved me, you where so perfect, if only you could see, in your arms was my favorite place to be, in our own little world, just you and me, I love you, forever and eternity, you didn't worry about the time, you promised nothing was ending, because my love for you is still timeless, and you..... you." I could tell she was going to break down any second.
"Anthony!! Please come back!! PLEASE!!!" She went over and held on the the coffin. I ran up and grabbed her. I picked her up and ran outside.
"ANTHONY!!!" She screamed. She was crying so hard, I was worried.
"Shh, shhh." I tried to calm her down. I stroked her hair and rubbed her back. She soon stopped breathing hard but still was crying.
"I-Ian, I m-miss h-him so m-much." She stuttered.
"I know, I know." I hugged her tight.
I pulled her back and looked into her eyes.
"That was a beautiful poem."
"Thanks Ian." She smiled a little.
"I love you."
"Mmhm." She said and hugged me.
Why doesn't she say that she loves me? I mean, I know she does but never said it.
(A/N) I don't know why this chapter ended up being in bold font, but oh well.

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