You May Start

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"You may now begin. Please take your blindfolds off." I heard the voice of the gamemaster say over the intercom. I reached up to take off my blindfold, awkwardly, because of my wrists being tied together. When I looked at the room the first thing I noticed was that we hadn't been tied up with rope as I previously thought, but with gray duct tape.

As I looked around the large room I saw that I was back to back with Allie. Emma and Sarah were a few feet away from us in the same position and same with Grace and Paige. I spotted Livi further away from the rest of us. I suddenly remembered we only had seven of us in our group.

"Why is Livi over there?" I wondered, "and who is she tied up with?"

Thanks to Allie conveniently finding a pocket knife on the floor and her magic skills of retrieving it we were able to free Emma and Sarah. They returned the favor and then went to Grace and Paige.

"Hey Mira," Allie called out, her arms above her head, "watch this!" She then quickly brought her arms down splitting the duct tape covering her wrists. I grinned at her as she grabbed the knife from Emma and carefully cut the duct tape on my arms. As soon as I removed the duct tape from my wrists I ran over to Livi and the strange other person. As I got closer I realized that they both were also chained to the floor by their wrists and ankles. I bent down to see if I could remove their shackles but they were bolted to the ground and locked at the cuff.

"We'll have to find a key for you as soon as possible," I said and set down the chains.

No response. Neither of them even looked up. I thought the clanking from the chains would be rewarded with a reaction. But I didn't even get a nod, let alone a request to remove their blindfolds. I realized I hadn't seen either of them move since we had taken off our blindfolds. They hadn't even taken off theirs.

"Umm, guys?" I asked, fear creeping into my voice, "Livi and this stranger are unconscious!"



-Earlier, August 6 3:45 pm-

I had gone to the chambers for a team building exercise. So much for that. We had almost finished it but a power outage occurred before we could solve the last problem. It was so dark that none of us could see, but the doors we had opened were locked. The room filled with darkness and the screams from my group. I remember feeling something covering my face and I blacked out afterwards.

I have no idea how much time has passed since then. I have no idea where my group is. I do know that I woke up to see Her leading a group of blindfolded girls into the chamber. Someone approached me with a blindfold of my own which was promptly tied tightly around my head. I expected duct tape but it never came. Instead I felt my wrists and ankles being placed in shackles and a figure was positioned behind me. More chains around us and then another thing covering my face.

I was out again.


Authors note:

A little shorter this time.

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