New places (and a giant spider)

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-1:20, 40 minutes-

I watched as Alex had ran to the door. I noticed Allie looking at me with a mischievous grin on her face. She walked over to me and with her arms crossed over her chest, grin still in place.

"Mira and Alex, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" She said quietly in a singsong voice. I blushed.

"Oh, shush," I said, elbowing her in the side, "He was explaining why he was here! I swear!"

"Mhm, sure," she responded sarcastically, "you two were totally just standing in the corner causally talking about how he got here in the first place."

"Yes, that's exactly what we were doing."

"Oh, so you walked up to him and just said 'hey person I just met ten minutes ago, why the heck are you here?'"

"No, I-"

"So did Lover Boy find a clue or did he run away because you tried to kiss him?"

I was about to say something but was saved when the lock on the door for the next room clicked open. I smirked at Allie and we raced to the doorway.

The next room was really dark, we could barely see in. Luckily Sarah had found a flashlight on the other side of the door. As soon as the flashlight was shone into the room everyone screamed and those who had entered the room got out of it as fast as they could. There was a giant 3 foot wide spider on the opposite wall. I noticed Alex was also scared. I was confused but later realized whoever was behind him being in our group probably would've changed some of the puzzles.

"I volunteer Alex for going in there since he's already been through this." Allie spoke up. She looked at Alex to confirm this.

"What?!" He responded, a look of shock and nervousness on his face, "they changed the puzzles! I've never seen this!"

"Well, I don't believe that some random guy was just taken from a chamber, knocked out for two days and placed in a different chamber to help them escape."

Alex looked scared to enter but he took the flashlight and reluctantly stepped in. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"I'll go in too!" I spoke up, ignoring my deathly fear of spiders for a second.

Alex looked grateful but I caught Allie with a taunting smirk. I stuck my tongue out at her and followed Alex in. After we realized the spider was fake, we explored the rest of the room. There was a small wooden desk with a notepad and pen, and a one way window that I hadn't seen on the other side. Everything was covered in fake spiderwebs with some fake, and smaller, spiders here and there.

"You didn't have to come with me, you know?" Alex asked quietly.

"I know, but I didn't want have to go in here alone. I don't think Allie quite trusts you yet. But I admit I am a teensy bit scared of spiders." I responded

"I feel like that was an understatement."

"Ok, fine, I'm terrified of spiders but at least these are fake."

"If you'd rather leave it's ok with me."

I was about to ask if he was sure about that when the door we had entered suddenly slammed shut. That's when I realized there were no other doors in the room.



-1:25, 35 minutes-

I thought it was Allie at first, slamming the door shut seems like something she'd do since I'd seen her teasing Mira about me. When people started banging on the door I knew it wasn't Allie. The window was supposed to be one way but it seemed like they could see us now. A speaker suddenly boomed on and I instantly recognized the voice.

"Well, If you haven't realized by now this isn't a game anymore," She stated clearly, "Your scenario has changed. You are now test subjects, practically lab rats, for an intelligence agency that is searching for the smartest adolescents. Your first test is to free your friends from their current confinement. No, the combo is not the same and this time it's on a limit. Your two friends are currently sitting in an airtight room with no oxygen flow. What's left of oxygen in there is left. Take too long and they might die. Good luck."

Mira looked at me. I knew what she was thinking. We had talked a bit earlier. How how much air had we already used? How much did we have left? I grabbed to notepad we had seen and scribbled a message

We should only breath when we have to and use the notepad to talk.

She nodded in reply. Our only chance of escape and survival was to hold our breath and hope the others could get us out.


Hehe, yep that's right, there's a love interest now.  Please don't get mad. 

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