A Stranger

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-Present time, 1:08, 52 minutes left-

Everyone rushed over as soon as I told them. Paige checked and confirmed that they were still alive and breathing as Grace removed their blindfolds.

"Why are they unconscious?" Grace asked me, "what type of game forcefully puts people in a state of unconsciousness and shackles them to the floor?!"

"I have no idea, but we need to find a key for them," Paige replied.

We all nodded and started looking around the room for any clues. I noticed that we had wasted 8 minutes just freeing ourselves and worrying about Livi and The Guy. Two minutes later we had found the key.

We had unlocked Livi's wrists and one of her ankles when The Guy startled us with a low moan. Everyone jumped back a bit as he opened his eyes and looked around. He blinked a bit, getting used to the dim lighting. He suddenly noticed us and shot back as far as his chains would allow.

"Wh-who are you?" He asked, "what happened? How long have I been out? Were you sent by...Her?"

Allie approached him and bent down so they were eye level. She took the key from Sarah who had been unlocking Livi.

"One question at a time, geez," Allie said. She began unlocking his shackles. "We're just a group of 14-16 year olds. We have no idea why you're here, nor how long you've been here. We weren't sent by anyone."



-1:12, 48 minutes-

I believed that they didn't want to harm me. After the one that answered my questions, she seemed like the oldest, unlocked my shackles I got up and stretched. I still had no idea who they were.

One of them, she had short dirty blonde hair, came up to me. She quickly glanced me over.

"What's your name?" She asked calmly, almost grinning.

"Alex," I responded.

"Alex," she repeated quietly. After a short pause she smiled as if just telling her my name made her trust me like we were old friends. "I'm Mira, and this is Allie, Grace, Paige, Sarah, and Emma," she pointed at each of them as she said their names.

The one I'd been chained to groaned a bit and sat up.

"Oh," Mira said, "and that's Livi."

"W-what," Livi started, "the heck happened?"



-1:14, 46 minutes-

Livi had finally woken up. She looked confused about why she was surrounded in chains and who the new guy was, as she honestly should've been. I saw Grace flash her the expression that could only say "don't question it."

"Well," I said, "we should probably start looking for clues so we can get out of here."

Everyone else nodded. Grace helped Livi up as Paige explained what happened. I looked at the keypad for the door.



-1:16, 44 minutes-

Everyone had agreed to help look for clues. I went to the spot my friends and I had found our first solution. No such luck. I couldn't pry my mind off Her. I have no idea why, I never actually spoke to her, it was as if a picture of her face had been stamped into my mind while I was passed out, along with the sentence "There is no escape." I looked at my watch, the date said August 8th, "August 8th! I was out for 2 days?!" I continued to search for more clues. For some reason she seemed familiar, and so did Mira. Speaking of which, she seemed nice, and kinda cute as well. I blushed after realizing what I had just told myself. I tried to hide my bright pink cheeks as Mira walked up. I studied her face as I tried to figure out why it seemed like I knew her from somewhere else.

"Are you ok?" She asked in a tone that consisted of concern and something else which I later realized was a hint of awkwardness, "You keep staring at me."

"Ahh! Yes! I mean n-no! No!" I stuttered, backing up a bit, I could feel my cheeks heating up again, "Sorry! It's just- I mean- I don't know- you just, uhh. It's nothing!"

"Mhmm, sure," she said giggling a bit, "Why are you here? You said something about a Her of some sort. What did you mean by that?"

I sighed, knowing I should tell her. But how, I wasn't sure. So I started from the beginning, when my group had entered the chamber. As I explained, we searched for clues. I had reached the point where I was explaining seeing them walk in when I found a note with a part of the code on it. I jumped up and ran to the door to enter it into the keypad.


Authors note:

I hope this doesn't get confusing. 

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