Braeburn x Big Macintosh

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WARNING: awkward pony photos, read at your own risk!

Shipping name: BraeMac

Shipping points : 6

Ok, first of all , I don't exactly know how I feel about this ship. I know that seams to be my answer for the majority of ships, but it's true! I mean, I don't really see them together a lot, so I don't know much about what they have in common, except for the fact that they both share a love for apples. Let's be honest, you can't base a good solid relationship, souly on the love of apples! Ya know what I mean? Like, what?!

Also, like I mentioned in the previous update, there's the whole cousins thing too. It's not fair for me to call out the fact that Apple Jack and Braeburn are cousins, and not do the same for this ship.

You may also see that I gave this ship 6 whole points, and if you guys have learned anything about me from reading any of my other fan fictions / shipping books, is that I have a soft spot for yaoi. So I know that this seams kind of weird of me to say this but, it's mainly because the ship is adorable. But yet again, I find a lot of things to be adorable. 

So that's 4 points for them being cute together, and 2 points for me not absolutely hating the pairing. Like as much as I hate the pairing twilight x shining armour. If I hated it, I wouldn't have gave it as many points.

Now enough about the whole points thing! To sum up what it is that I'm trying to say is, their personalities aren't the best together, and they aren't seen much together either. One lives in sweet Apple acres, and the other lives in appleloosa.
And they are cousins.
But I have a weakness of boy x boy ships so I'm giving them a bonus for looking cute together in fan art.

Which sounds very.... Idk, stupid, I guess?

You know what I'll deduct some points make that 5 or 4.5 shipping points.

No no, 4 it's official , 4/10 points.

No hate though.....

Here's some fan art, enjoy~

{Oh, and, this time I'm not apologizing for my opinion, you BraeMac fan girls/boys are gonna have to just, idk, suck it up.}

That's ONE moment together in the show, I could only find one

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That's ONE moment together in the show, I could only find one.

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