chapter 11- a personal hell

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I can feel myself laying on the cold floor. My head is pounding and my limbs sore.

Awake, but scared to open my eyes, I feel around in hopes that I can prepare myself for whatever I am going to see when they open.

I'm laying on my back so I feel out to the sides of me and it feels like I must be laying on concrete. But I feel the cold floor all over my body so I lower my hands down to my body and feel bare skin. 'Shit what is happening'? I freak and start hyperventilating. 

I sit up with a start and look down at myself. I'm only wearing a black sports bra and my black sporty underwear. There are bruises all over my body, and a couple cuts here and there.

I look around and I'm in a cell with a glass door, concrete floors, and brick walls. The only thing in here is a bed and a chair. I move to my knees and try to stand. Everything hurts and I scream while trying to make it to my feet. I take on step towards the bed and fall back down. I Hang onto the bed and lay my head down while letting my legs stay on the floor. It would take to much work to try and make it all the way up. I feel so weak, so powerless, I start to whimper.

"It's always hard the first day kid. Don't even try to move that cut on your head looks pretty bad" I hear a soft female voice say from across the hall. I look up and see a red headed girl with skin so pale it looked green. I look into her eyes and laugh, "I take it I'm in arkham" I said, my voice cracking as I speak. She nods and looks down. "What could a beautiful kid like you have done to end up here? Let me guess your crazy?" She says with a laugh. I look up and shake my head, "you could definitely say that, but, really I'm a criminal" I say.
"How did you get into that mess" She asks looking very confused. " my parents are criminals " I say smiling and looking down.

She stands up and walks to the glass, " you-you look just like her" She says so quiet it was almost a Whisper. I become very confused "her? You mean Harley? You know my mother" I ask sitting up a little. She looks at me with tears in her eyes " your Lucy, your Harleys you can't be here. You have to get out" She says and starts to panic.
"Who are you what do you mean" I ask, starting to get worried about my surroundings. 

"I'm ivy. I'm one of Harleys friends. Lucy your the daughter of the two most powerful people in Gotham, there is lots of people here who will want to hurt you" She says in a motherly voice. "Well thank you but I can take care of myself ivy" I say and hoist the rest of myself onto the bed. She watches me and sits down slowly. " be careful girl, you aren't safe here" She says but I don't acknowledge her. I lay on the bed and try to close my eyes. It's so cold I feel numb, but it provides comfort to my aching body.


I open my eyes when I hear someone unlocking my cell. I see three heavily armed guard's walk in. They come over to me and drag me to my feet. These are the first people I've really come in contact with and I have to hold my parents reputation so I do exactly what I believe ether of my parents would do. Laugh.

My insane giggle bounces through the hall making the other inmates and loons look up and look at this insane child. On our way out, I see ivy standing in her cell watching them take me away.

The guard's hold me tight and take me to a room with a table and two chairs.
I'm not stupid I know where I am, I'm in a therapy room. The guard's cuff me to the table and the cold metal makes me shiver. The guard's walk out and I'm alone, I take a moment to look around and take in my surroundings. I stop when I see a mirror. 'Must be one of those one way mirrors' I think to myself. I've been told I have major resting bitch face so I decided to give who ever is watching something to look at. I look dead at the mirror and tilt my head, and give a wide smile. Not ten seconds later an all to familiar cop walks in.

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