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You found a near by bench and tried to calm yourself down without making too much of a public seen. You heard footsteps like someone if running towards you, again you start to panic, getting scared considering you don't know Magnolia very well, your all alone with hardly any money, no food and no drink...Not even a change of clothes! You closed your eyes tightly thinking if this person sees you they will just leave you alone... "Hey there! Are you OK!" a male voice said calling out to you, you raise your head up and see a pink haired male running towards you... "Hey! I'm Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail, whats your name!?".


You felt the palms of your hands getting sweaty at the through of talking to someone, especially knowing that this man approaching was in the guild hall when you ran out in tears, humiliating yourself...'You really are a weak person', is what you would repeat to yourself in your head.

" You ran out of the guild pretty fast. So are you okay?" you turned away from this man, his scent extremely strong smelling. You could tell he was a dragon slayer from the scent. Letting out a sigh, you answer him, "I'm fine..." looking at your feet that were placed firmly on the floor, you stood up and went to walk away... You felt a hand grab you on the wrist.

Extreme flash backs and images went flying through your head like never before, the first thing you through was 'I need to kill this man'... As these through when through your head, you clenched your fist, turned around and punched the pink haired man straight in the stomach...

"Don't. You ever touch me... Again!!" you growled at him, this time causing a seen, something you didn't want to happen but you were too angry to care at this point. You turned around and ran off, leaving Natsu laying on the floor in pain from your powerful punch.

Natsu's P.O.V

"I'm fine..." This women sat on a bench all on her own, crying. I knew that she wasn't 'fine' not for one minute was she fine. She looked down, I could see she was going to walk away but i didn't want that to happen. For some reason, she just caught my eye from when she entered the guild all the way until now. I don't know why but i didn't want her to leave, I want her to be safe and i want to make sure I'm the person that makes her stay that way!

As she started walking away, I grabbed her arm. I didn't want to lose her!

She turned around and punched me in my stomach, with one punch and i was down to the floor on my back. "Don't. You ever touch me... Again!!", I clenched my stomach and knelt on the floor, almost at the point of crying, I looked up and saw her running away. Why her, why is she leaving...

Back to the story:

You ran and ran, not knowing you way around at all. Who knew magnolia was such a big place.

You found a near by forest, a forest that for some reason looked very familiar to you. you could put you finger on it but you had been here before. Looking around and kicking leafs, "This brings me back" *deep breathe* "I remember doing this when following Jasmina". You came to a tree that had a long branch sticking out from it, you went over and sat apon it's branch.

"Ahhh, that's better, all this running is really not great for my little feet, well that's was Jasmina used to say about them!" you let out a little giggle from the fact you were talking to yourself. " I mean, of cause my feet were small compared to a dragon!" again making your self laugh and smile in memory of your mother. You started to think to yourself, 'i wonder if shes still alive?' and ' i wonder where they all went?'.

Your P.O.V

Thinking still, it dawned on me that i was kind of a bit horrible to that Natsu kid. Actually, i was really horrible to him, i shouldn't have punched him maybe that was uncalled for... Plus, you could smell his dragon scent, maybe he knows about all of the dragons and where they went. Maybe he knows other dragon slayers, i thought i was the only one until today. I've never actually met or spoken to another dragon slayer before.

Maybe i should find him...

A Dragon's Spirit! (Natsu X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now