Chapter Nine

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The name startled her enough to return her to her current predicament: just in time to appreciate a particularly sharp pull on her hair by the stylist. She knew better than to admit to pain but gave the woman a quick glare in the mirror in order to make herself feel a bit better. If the woman saw it she gave no indication of it, or, simply did not care. A few seconds later another chunk of her hair was subject to the same torture.

"Yes, mother?" Diana pulled her gaze away from the profile of the stylist in the mirror, to the reflection of her mother hovering over her shoulder. Hippolyta was already a picture of beauty. Dressed in a pale pink peplos, which she had left open on one side to expose a generous amount of leg, but also to display the ornamental knife strapped to her thigh. It was considered rude not to have some sort of weapon on your person at a gathering of Amazonian women – especially when it was a gathering of the tribes. To wear a piece of weaponry showed the wearer considered their guests were a formidable fighter. The garment was pinned in place at both shoulders with broches embossed with the heraldic sign of the royal house: a two surrounded by two laurel branches. The only other jewellery she wore was the crown that sat amongst the curls effortlessly piled on top of her head.

"I don't think you're listening to me," Hippolyta folded her arms over her chest and fixed her daughter with a withering look.

"I am listening," Diana grumbled, looking at her own reflection and wishing how she had inherited more of her mother's looks than the clay's. A heavy sigh.

"Very well. So tell me again who the women coming tonight are and how you can recognise them so as not to cause offence."

Sending a silent prayer to Apollo, the princess took a deep breath and launched into the list of tribal leaders Kasia had been helping her remember all week.

"Lysippe is the current spokesperson of the tribal leaders. Hers are a tribe of learned women who keep guard over Alexandria's Library. Her symbol is an open book. Celanoe is the tribal leader of the spear maidens, and she will be with Euryhe and Phobe, her two lovers. Her symbol is a trident, due to their location next to the port. Next is Toxaris, leader of the fiercest archer units – their entire tribe live in the mountain region to the East. Their symbol is a hawk after Toxaris love of birds of prey," a pause as she glanced to her mother to ensure she was so far correct. Before she got any confirmation however, she plunged on with her recited list. "Iphito is the eldest, she is mute and communicates through her daughter Valasca who is said to be one of the fiercest warriors, she shows no mercy in battle and is said to actually bathe in the blood of her enemies. Their symbol is three claw marks. Then there is Anaea who is one of the latest to have a tribe of her own, her symbol is the sun."

There was a moment of silence as Diana went over her list mentally one more time. She was pretty sure that was all. Hippolyta slowly pushed off from her position against the wall and indicated for the stylist to leave them. Picking up the smaller tiara she placed it very carefully on top of the elegant bun Diana's hair had been pinned into against its will and sighed.

"I cannot believe you are 21," Hippolyta sighed and brushed a stray curl out of her daughter's eyes and back into the bun.

"Mother," Diana's voice held the pleading note of every child who recognises they are about to be subjected to a stream of painfully embarrassing memories.

"It just feels like yesterday when you were this tiny little bundle in my-"

"Sister-mine, do you really want to turn Diana the same shade as her hair?" Antiope leaned against the doorway in a bemused fashion, arms loosely folded over her chest plate. Whilst most of the women were using Diana's birthday party as an excuse to not wear the leather armour they tended to wear daily, Antiope had taken it as a chance to wear her pride and joy: the ancient metal armour of the Roman warrior she had killed after conceiving her only daughter.

Naturally the Amazonians thought it was rather romantic.

"I was merely reflecting on how fast time has passed," Hippolyta sniffed, dabbing at the tears which had formed in her eyes in a theatrical manner.

"Perhaps save your memories for the toast, Anaea is already here," with a slight raise of her eyebrow that brooked no argument, Antiope left the two to make their own way to the grand hall. Diana glanced at herself in the mirror one last time, and pulled uncomfortably at the clingy dress her mother had chosen for her to wear. It felt like she was in someone else's skin. The green simply highlighted the foreignness of her hair colour, the cluster of freckles on her nose were visible even through the powder the stylist had covered her face in. Kasia had said the blemishes were cute, and since then she hadn't wished them away nearly as much.

"You look beautiful, Diana," taking her daughter's hesitation as something as simple as self-doubt, Hippolyta wrapped her arms around Diana's waist and rested her chin on her shoulder. Diana hesitated, should she tell her mother what was really bothering her? That there was a girl who was keeping her mind so occupied every waking moment she could barely keep up with her studies?

"Mother I-"

The trumpets sounded from outside the palace, announcing Anaea's arrival at the palace. Straightening up, Hippolyta gave her daughter one last motherly smile, before her face shifted ever so slightly into the mask she always wore when about to play the role of Queen. Diana knew the moment had passed.

"Come, let us greet our guests."

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