Chapter Ten

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            The grand hall had simply been unable contain the amount of people who had turned up to celebrate Diana's birthday, and the party had spilled out of the hall and into the gardens. Laughter drifted in on the cool breeze, teasing Diana who yearned to be out there with her friends, rather than sat on the world's most uncomfortable chair.

"Queenship is not an easy job. When you sit upon the throne, you are not there to be enjoying yourself, but to do your duty," Hippolyta murmured as Diana shifted once again in an attempt to return feeling to her backside.

"I'm not asking for a comfortable chair, but a cushion wouldn't be so bad, would it?" sighing she slumped back in the chair. She was too hot, she was uncomfortable in the clingy silk dress, and she was eager to seek out the only person in the entire hall she actually wanted to talk to. Hippolyta's lips curved up very slightly at the corners, barely noticeable to anyone but Diana and Antiope who sat on either side.

"You only need to be here to greet the tribal leaders and then I promise you can go and have fun with your friends."

Finally the doors at the far end of the palace were pushed open and Anaea strode up the centre of the hall. The assembled guests parted like the red sea, a few murmured their own greetings to their old friend, who occasionally slowed her pace to return the pleasantries. The Queen and her daughter stood up and watched the advance. Soon the young woman came to a halt in front of the pair and put a fist to her heart in the traditional Amazonian salute.

"My Queen," the warmth in her voice was completely at odds with her military ensemble, though when her eyes glanced very briefly to Antiope, Diana had an inkling as to why she had chosen such a get up.

"Anaea," Hippolyta stepped forward and embraced the younger leader, kissing both her cheeks in a familiar gesture, before clasping her hand and turning towards Diana. "May I introduce my daughter, Diana?" The pair clasped one another's forearms in the gesture of warriors in arms.

"It is nice to finally meet you," the older warriors gaze raked over the young princess with a critical eye before giving a slight nod. "Growing up to be a strong warrior I see." Diana had a feeling the comment was not meant to be a compliment, rather a jeer at her choice of attire. She did however, incline her head graciously.

"Perhaps," Diana glanced very briefly to Antiope, who was doing very well at pretending to be a statue, "You would do the honour of sparring with me later?" Caught off guard with the remark, Anaea gave Diana a longer look. Very slowly, the older warriors eyes warmed and her lips curved into a slight smile.


Diana's meetings with the other tribal leaders followed a similar pattern. Each one wished to see what type of Queen she would one day be. Toxaris followed Anaea, who delighted in accepting Diana's invitation to ride out with her in the morning to exercise the two golden eagles Hippolyta owned; then came Celanoe and her lovers, who took an immediate shine to Diana and much to the bemusement of both Celanoe and Hippolyta, invited Diana to join them in their Vineyards during the summer.

"I'm not sure if I should fear for my honour in their house," Diana watched the three disappear into the crowd, and returned the slight wave Phoebe threw at her over her shoulder. Antiope gave a startled laugh.

"Many a good woman had learnt the art from those three."

"Antiope!" Hippolyta hissed, giving her sister an alarmed but mostly curious look. Antiope returned her sisters probing look with a calm shoulder shrug before returning to her stature-like appearance. She turned to her daughter to share in her bewilderment but Diana was watching the approach of the oldest person she had ever seen. Since the Amazonians arrived on the island their aging slowed to a painful crawl but Iphito had come to the island in her late 50s with the younger Amazonians. Since then almost two thousand years had passed. Iphito's hair had gracefully accepted the punishments of Time and had taken on the dignified hue of silver, which combined with her dark skin gave her an unusual beauty. She walked slowly through the hall, whether it was due to her age or merely her wish to look regal, it was hard to tell. By her side strode Valasca who spared Hippolyta a single glance, the weight of her stare remained solely focused on Diana.

"Valasca thrives on intimidation," Diana nearly jumped out of skin as Phitha materialised out of the crowd to be by her side. Appearing not to notice her cousins response to her appearance, Phitha continued, "You must not make it look like you are scared."

"I'm not scared," Diana hissed.

"You could at least try and sound like you believe the lie," Phitha shot her a sour look, before the pair returned their attention to the couple now meters away.

"Iphito," Hippolyta seemed oblivious to the chill in the air as she embraced the older woman in an affectionate hug. The older warrior had been the one who had inspired the rebellion in Hippolyta's heart, had been the mother she had never had. Valasca clapped her heels together and gave the appropriate salute.

"My mother wishes to pass on her love to you, your highness, and," Valasca's eyes swivelled to Diana with a look that could kill. "Your daughter."

"Oh you do not have to translate for me, Valasca, your mother's voice is as clear as a bell to me. Would you excuse us just a minute?" Iphito looped her arm around Hippolyta and stepped off into one of the side rooms. Antiope followed.

Leaving Valasca alone with Diana and Phitha.

"It's a pleasure to have you in our home," Diana stretched out her arm to give the other woman the warrior handshake after the awkward silence that elapsed after their mother's departure. Valasca gave the hand a cursory look but kept her hands behind her back.

"Your palace is a lot smaller than I remember," Diana gritted her teeth and slowly retracted her hand to clasp it in front of you.

"Extravagance is unnecessary and detracts from the job."

They silently regarded each other. Valasca conceded the point with a slow nod. The silence stretched out as the warrior stared at Diana like a large cat trying to work out whether the prey was going to put up much of a fight.

"So, are you and your mother staying for long?" Diana resisted the urge to look away.

"No. We leave tomorrow morning, we have work to do. I am sure you know all about that," Valasca sneered. "I hear you spend all your time at school. It's no place to learn how to fight."

"Actually it is the best place to learn how to fight, as it is run by my mother," Phitha cut in smoothly. Her voice the type of calm that one passes through anger to get to. It was a voice that sent many a student into a cold sweat, and Diana was glad it wasn't being used on her for once. Valasca carefully analysed Phitha, and wisely decided against a smart rebuke.

"Perhaps, you could give our warriors a lesson one day? Show them how to really fight," Diana plastered on her best smile. There were dimples visible and everything. She held out her hand again, and this time it was a challenge. Valasca's eyes never left Diana's as she gripped the outstretched forearm unnecessarily hard and gave her a smile that turned her stomach.


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