Chapter Eleven

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"Think of her as one of your labours," Phitha pattered her cousin awkwardly on the shoulder after Valasca and her mother left to mingle with the crowds.

"I think you're both overreacting, Valasca is merely someone who looks for the greatest challenges. Diana should be one of the most elite warriors by the time her education draws to an end, so it is only natural she would want to challenge you." Diana and Phitha glanced at one another as Hippolyta turned to talk to her sister. Both of them raised an eyebrow: was she mad?

"I think your mother's love for Iphito blinds her when it comes to her daughter," Diana nodded miserably and absentmindedly rubbed at her still red arm. Valasca was going to be a problem, but future Diana's problem at least. She took small comfort in that thought. Yeah, leave it to older, hopefully wiser Diana. Phitha watched the way her cousin chewed her bottom lip as she thought, before casting her eyes around the room for the warrior in question. She was stood, still watching the young princess as she translated for her mother to one of the original Amazon's. She gave Phitha a wink when she noticed her looking. It would seem the next person Phitha would have to protect Diana from, would be another of their own.

"Lysippe," Hippolyta stepped forward to throw her arms around the woman both cousins had missed walking towards them. The librarian laughed, returning the embrace before cupping the Queen's face.

"How I have missed you," she murmured, resting her forehead against Hippolyta's in a startlingly intimate fashion.

"You didn't have to leave, and you are always welcome back," but Lysippe shook her head ever so slightly.

"Whilst your heart does not belong to me, my heart shall ache to be so close to you," the two continued to hold hands though, before finally remembering they were not alone. Lysippe managed to pull herself together first. "And this must be Diana." Taking the young girls hands she pressed a kiss to each of them. "You remind me of your mother so much when she was your age. I'm sure you are just as much trouble, too."

Hippolyta's laughter caused everyone to pause in their conversations and simply listen. It was like a drug.

"Come, we have so much to catch up on, and I promised Diana she could spend her birthday with her friends after she had met you," Lysippe retracted her hands and gave Diana a regal incline of the head.

"It was lovely to meet you. I left a little present for you on the table out front," she winked, before turning her attention solely to Hippolyta.

Diana smiled as she watched the pair disappear. "Did you kno-?" but when she turned to her cousin, Phitha was not there. Realising she had finally been set free, she hopped down from the raised dais and firstly, set off in search of the presents. She had completely forgotten about the gifts, mainly because Amazonians were annoyingly practical with their gifts which meant she was probably going to end up with several armour care kits, some new weapons and probably a ton of fashion items. But Lysippe struck her as being different, and she was eager to find out what her gift was.

Slipping out of the party quietly she saddled over to the table of gifts and quickly plucked the one with Lysippe's name on it before retreating outside. Honestly she should have guessed what the present would be given the woman's occupation, and perhaps that was why Diana was so eager to see it for herself. But even though she had guessed the item, she was in no way prepared for the beauty of it. Bound in leather it was embossed with a serious of beautiful illustrations that depicted the books contents. On the first page of the book in long, elegant scrawl it read:

"Plato is a must for any future Queen, despite what your mother will say."

Diana found herself smiling at the comment; this was a woman who loved and knew her mother deeply. So it confused her when she spoke of Hippolyta loving someone else even more. Deciding to shelf that question for another day, Diana finally gave into her ravenous need to find Kasia and show her the book; for she knew her sweet librarian would love it more than her. The princess ducked back inside and did a quick circle of the hall before investigating the garden.

She could hear her librarian before she saw her, but she didn't sound happy. No, Kasia's tone was polite – certainly – but it was also cold and a little strained. Rounding the corner Diana's heart skipped a beat.

"Valasca," both the girls stopped in their conversation and glanced over at Diana, who stood with the book clasped to her chest.

"Diana, I-" Kasia went to slip around Valasca but the warrior placed her hand on the wall beside her head, barring her exit.


"Is she bothering you?" Diana tore her eyes away from the staring match to instead focus on Kasia.

"Why would I be bothering her?" Valasca's hand moved from its position against the wall to rest instead on Kasia's waist.

"I think Kasia is able enough to speak for herself," Kasia plucked the offending hand from her waist and let it go with some force. A flicker of confusion crossed Valasca's face as the rejection registered, and watched with increasing anger as the woman left her side for Diana's. It was instinct for Diana to step ever so slightly in front of Kasia as Valasca's eyes blazed in fury.

"I think you best leave, don't you?" Others had stopped their conversations nearby and were also now watching the trio. A few of them rested their hands casually on their weapons. Valasca gave them all a withering glare before started to make her way into the party. As she made her way past Diana she stopped, leaned in, and with a voice like ice whispered:

"This isn't over."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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