Chapter 18

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The broken look on her face as she walks away, the look of hopelessness and loss like she has completely given up.

But why?

I cant put in to words how much I have royally screwed up with her. I read her all wrong from the moment she walked into the bar that first night in her sexy as hell dress and fuck me heels.

What she has been through what she has , what she has worked for and the things she has had to go without for far too long. A sigh passes my lip as I pull my phone from my pocket and hope that I have a signal. Luckily I'm in luck, or maybe not since the call I have to make may sign my death warrant.

I call the first number in my phone knowing they'll be together.

"Please tell me both of y'all are still alive?" Sawyer's tone clearly less than pleased about the possible outcome of this conversation.

"We are, yes, but, ....." I get interrupted by my other friend, Wyatt.

"But, is not god Devin! We are suppose to be working to get her to agree to this, not back out from us, the town, and the bar. Damn it. I'll go forward without you if you keep this shit up."

A heavy sigh comes from Sawyer, " What happen, Dev?"

" I got cocky and mouthed off. Drawing conclusions, that she quickly explained are so far off its like she is on earth and I am floating in space.

"Did you just?" Wyatt's shock echoes through the phone.

"Yes, men are from Mars women are from Venus. I did just make that reference, Wyatt."

Sawyer always the blunt one, " Back to the point, Dev."

"Do either of you know how messed up her home life was or the fact that she was engaged before and now her sister is engaged to her ex-fiancé."

" What the fuc..." Sawyer makes his view very plain with his rough language.

I agree. "Exactly!"

"How did you find all this shit out?"

"She threw this all at me while she was walking through the tall grass and away from me. That's actually why I'm calling y'all. Can one of you find her and the other come pick me up?"

"Yes to the first," Sawyer answers.

But Wyatt is quick to answer right after him, "No to the second, you can walk your ass home, jerk-off."

"Have a nice day ." Sawyer comments before the line falls silent.

"Well SHIT."

* * * *
Wyatt's POV

We both decide he needs to figure his shit out before either of us see him again. So we make him walk home and head towards the last place we saw our girl. Or at least she will be when Devin gets his shit together and drops the smug attitude.

We are over half way to the disastrous picnic sight when I see a trail going from the road to the underbrush I follow it and in the shadows I can see a hunched figure with trembling shoulders.

"oh angel, what did they do to you?" I mutter under my breath.

I tap Sawyer's shoulder and motion towards the direction I saw the trembling figure. He slows and then throws the truck in to park. We both walk over to her crouched form and when she hears us crunching through the dried grass and twigs her head pops up.

Red eyes, puffy cheeks and tear tracks running down her face break my heart. " Are you here to yell at me too?"

"No Sug, just to pick you up and take you home, to our house."

She makes herself smaller before standing up keeping her face turned down and motioning for us to precede her so that she may follow.

After exchanging meaningful glances I go first with Sawyer bringing up the rear and Delaney in the middle.

If heartbreak ever needed to be personified it would be Delaney at this very moment.

Sug needs us all to heal her.

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