Chapter 23

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Wyatt's POV

Jack's disappearance did not go unnoticed and neither did his reappearance. Sawyer and I️ both looked to him to see if his trip had been worth it but our hopes are dashed when he shakes his head.

Sawyer, quick to anger these past few days, takes offense to his continued absence storms out of the room.

With Delaney's change in status from unconsciousness to sleeping the tension has gone down some what but the three of us agreed to do this together and with one of us out of it the pair of us, sawyer and I, contemplate not going through it at all.

She would not be happy having to choose between us and knowing one or more of us are missing would be the same as choosing.

Doctors and nurses come and go from the room monitoring the machines, IVs and oxygen tubes. She going in and out sleeping more than she is awake but the amount is shifting to less of the first and more of the latter.

We try to keep the conversations light, avoiding touchy subjects. But of course she asks after both of her babies, the bar and her bronco.

"your bronco escaped without any damage. The bar though needs a few repairs." This is putting it lightly. You need a whole new bar sweetheart. These go unsaid but the truth is in my eyes the bar is gone and until she is better and the physco is caught, she will not leave our side.

the thought of losing her is too great a heartache to consider. Our lives would never be the same there would be no reason to do any of it.

That was four days ago the nurse on duty comes in as Delaney jolts awake. Her Whimpers pulls me to the bed her trembling form curls into itself making herself appear as small as possible.

Her voice even at a whisper reaches my ears, "Devin is in the bar we have to save him. We have to save him."

Oh Sugar, I think as I walk up to touch her trying to draw her away from that place. Those nightmares, a common theme right now especially with Devin Being AWOL.

Dammit Devin get your shit together and get here your girl needs you.

I hold her securely in my arms waiting for her to come back to the present rubbing one hand along her hair the other wrapped around her shoulders.

Her trembling and whimpers subside but the question on her lips angers me, not directed at her but at the asshole that is missing.

Devin he is dead isn't he? That's why you've avoided the topic. You are waiting for me to heal before you tell me? I can handle the truth just tell me where he is?"

The door opens and in walks Sawyer once more, good.

"Hold that thought. When I get back I will answer your questions." I leave with a strong kiss to her forehead, passing Sawyer in the doorway. A tense nod in his direction and I'm out the door to beat the shit out of my brother.

At this point, he mans up or dies a coward.

THE LOST CAUSE BAR #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now