Chapter 15: What Really Happened

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[No one's P.O.V.]

Kise Ryouta, a friend of Akashi and Kuroko, was left tied on a tree. The people who were in charge of him though did forget about him. You know why? It's because it's lunch time.

He was still unconscious over the shot that had a sleeping drug put in it. Gladly not all of the drug was put to his chest when he was shot, thus making him sleep for only about two hours.

Not to mention getting dizzy and confused, he finally snapped out of it when he heard laughter and talking voices from the group of men that gathered up to eat for lunch. All those cooking pots of rice and noodles, bowls and drinking containers . . . Kise grew hungry whilst trying to find a way to loosen the rope.

"Maaaan . . " Only his breath came out with no voice to avoid being heard. "These things are tight as hell!"

His stomach did grumble loudly to the point one of the men thought it was his stomach. They laughed more that time which was a good way to rustle a bit louder and loosen the rope.

"A-Are those . . ?" He groaned feeling his muscles squished for years. Seeming the men leave their guns and other weapon aside, the sun shone on the silver material and caught his attention. A knife!

"If I don't get out soon . . . I'll miss my favourite dish at our house! Jeez!" That scent of noodles and all that beef being cooked under the flame, it made Kise powerless from his hunger.

Kise worried how he could lift the knife and use it to cut the rope though. With his shoes, he can't manage to pick it up!

"Crap . . I'm in big trouble!" He sobbed thinking he was hopeless.

Unless . .

"Wait! I can remove my shoes!"

And so he used his toes to push the heel of his right shoe down and slip his foot off. Successfully, after all these times that he went home tired from his photoshoots, he mastered the 'lazy-putting-the-shoes-off' challenge every time he gets to his doorstep at home.

With his sock on, he managed to get a grip on the blade since the handle can't fit between his toes from the sock. Holding it to his feet, how does he get it to his hands though?

"Maybe if I could lean a bit—!" His shoulder bended sidewards to reach the blade with his free hand. And a little more further and . .


" . . ."

"Did you hear that?"
"Hear what."
"I din' hear nothin'."
"Sure as shit I heard that too."

Heart pounds extremely hard.

Hard to move.

Moving is bad.

Shouldn't move.

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