Prologue- 60 Years & 2 Months Ago

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Lord Elrond's POV

I was my study looking at reports from my guards when my two sons came in without knocking. Which was odd as they always knocked unless it was something urgent. "Elladan, Elrohir mana brings tye símen at sina lumenn'?" I ask them. (Translation: Elladan, Elrohirwhat brings you here at this hour?)

"Father, Arwen has found something important" Elladan states in the western tongue.

"What is it?" I ask switching to the common tongue as well.

"No idea, she just said to come get you and head to her chambers" Elrohir explains.

"Then let's go see what she has found" I tell them and Elladan leads the way. We reached her room ten minutes later and Elrohir knocked. He told her who it was and she told us to come in. "Arwen what is it you've found?" I ask her as we entered the room. She was sitting on her bed reading something while patting something.

"Father, brothers this is what I've found" she states in the common tongue placing the book down before picking the thing she'd been patting. "Poor thing's half starved and only a couple weeks old. If I had not found it, no doubt it'd be dead by morning, I Lindir fetch an expectant dog mother." Arwen explains and we look at the white wolf pup in her arms.

"It's so cute" Elladan states happily sitting next to Arwen.

"Do you know if it's a boy or girl?" Elrohir asks sitting on her other side.

"We won't know for at least an other week" I tell them. "Are you sure you want to keep this wolf pup?" I ask Arwen.

"Yes, I believe I was destined to find it and raise it" she tells me. "It has a great future and destiny ahead of it" she adds. "I promise I'll take full responsibility for the pup" she assures me.

"We'll help too" Elladan and Elrohir add.

"Very well, but if it's going to stay it'll need a name" I tell them.

"I was thinking Aaron for a boy and Serena if it's a girl" Arwen explains. Just then an elleth enters guiding an expectant mother dog. (Link to a picture of the dog: "Thank you Helen" Arwen states and they introduce the pair. The dog accepts the wolf pup and allows it to feed from her. "It should be only for a few weeks until we can wean the pup onto solid food" Arwen assures Helen.

"No trouble Lady Arwen, I'm happy to help and as is Renee" Helen states. "But the pup is going to need to feed every four hours. It'd be best if it stayed with us until it's every six hours" Helen explains. Arwen picked up the pup after it'd finished feeding and went outside. She returned five minutes later with the pup's eyes open.

"Helen, why don't you and Renee stay the night?" Arwen suggests. "Until we figure out a better way to feed the pup" she adds. "As you can see it's already attached to me" she states.

"I believe it thinks you're its mother" Helen agrees nodding her head. Arwen places the pup down and Renee curled around the pup before falling asleep. The pup to fell asleep.

"I think we are no longer needed, I'll see you at breakfast Arwen" I tell my sons and daughter.

"Of course father and thank you for allowing the pup to stay" Arwen says smiling as she gave me a gentle hug. Elladan and Elrohir each gave her a hug goodnight, before the three of us left the room. Meanwhile Helen had prepared and bed for herself for the night.

"I want you two to watch over Arwen and the pup, ensure no harm comes to either. But if the pup becomes threat deal with it" I tell them before leaving. "There is something unusual about that pup and I want to know what it is" I call over my shoulder before returning to my study.

I started to look through my books trying to find a reference to a white wolf. Because all the wolves I've seen are brown or grey, even then they weren't a solid colour. I eventual found a leather bound book on Spirit Wolves. It's only a small book though, more like a journal about them. (Link to book:

After reading the whole journal I realized only two people may know more. Lady Galadriel of Lothlorien and Radagast the Brown a wizard. I made a note to send a letter to each in the morning before going to my personal chambers. Where I fell into a light sleep wondering why a spirit wolf would appear now.

It said in the journal they only appear to protect Middle Earth in it's darkest time. But Sauron is dead and the last spirit wolf died then also. Except that wolf was completely black and not pure white like this one. What was this new threat to Middle Earth? And why was this spirit wolf only a pup? The last one had been fully grown when he meet it. But it was with the Prince of Gondor at the time, it could have appeared a few years earlier to him as a pup. I won't know though until I contact the other two.


Picture above of the pup and picture on the external link of Arwen in her room reading a book.

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