Party in Edoras

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(Lord of the Rings: King's Return) Third Person

Once they reached Edoras Serena was taken to be prepared for the party. She was given a bath, had her nails clipped, teeth brushed and fur brushed. Aragorn had polished her collar before returning it to her neck. In the Golden Hall of Meduseld, Éowyn brings Théoden a cup. Théoden raises it and prepares to addresses a quiet crowd. Aragorn and Serena lead the men in standing.

"Tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country. Hail the victorious dead!" Theoden declares.

"Hail!" all the men and Serena say.Aragorn hesitates, then drinks from his mug. While Eomer prepares a drinking game and Serena goes to watch. As Legolas and Gimli are dragged into the game.

"No pauses, no spills" Eomer states giving Legolas and Gimli a mug of Ale each.

"And no regurgitation" Gimli adds.

"So it's a drinking game?" Legolas asks looking at his mug of ale.

"Aye, Last one standing wins" Gimli tells him.

"What shall we drink to?" a man asks.

"Victory" Serena suggests.

"Aye, to Victory" the man declares happily as Serena wags her tail.Legolas takes a small sip from his drink, while Gimli chugs his drink. Serena notices Aragorn accept a drink from Eowyn and growls lightly. He was taken, how dare she try to seduce him. She sighs when Aragorn walks away and turns back to the game. To see Legolas examining his fingers.

"I feel something. A slight tingling in my fingers. I think it's affecting me" he states and Serena giggles in his head. He shouts her playful glare.

"What did I say? He cant hold his liquor" Gimli states before passing out. Legolas looks smug as he puts his mug down. Saying 'game over' as Serena says the two hobbits dancing on a table.

"Oh, you can search far and wide
You can drink the whole town dry
But you'll never find a beer so brown
As the one we drink in our home town
You can keep your fancy ales
You can drink em by the flagon
But the only brew for the brave and true..." Merry and Pippin sing. But Pippin stops and looks at Gandalf.

"Pippin!" Merry shouts getting his attention.

"But the only brew for the brave and true
Comes from the Green Dragon!" they finish shouting.The two hobbits chugs their drinks.

"I win!" Pippin declares as he finished first. Serena and Aragorn approach Gandalf, and stand beside him.

"Any news of Frodo?" Aragorn asks the pair.

"No word" Serena tells him.

"Nothing" Gandalf agrees.

"We have time. Every day Frodo moves closer to Mordor" Aragorn assures them.

"Do we know that?" Gandalf asks.

"What does your heart tell you?" Serena asks him.

"That Frodo is alive. Yes. Yes, he is alive" Gandalf states as Serena wags her tail. She goes outside and stands on her hind legs. Placing her front paws on the railing as she looks over Rohan.

"Beautiful, isn't it" she says as she feels a presence beside her.

"I've seen better, but none in the world of man" Legolas states as he leans against the railing beside her. "Why aren't you inside?" he asks.

"Mama has started to head to the Grey Havens" she tells him. "I feel her leaving, but she has still not decided on what to do. Ever decision will affect me greatly" she explains.

"How so?" he asks.

"If she leaves, I'll become mortal unable to take spirit form again and I'll die a wolf. But if she chooses to stay and become mortal. I'll be weaken greatly as we're connected. My power would be the only thing able to keep her alive until the ring is destroyed. It was because she found me, I bonded to her. As the last spirit wolf bonded with Isildur" She tells him.

"What happened to the old spirit wolf?" he asks.

"He became a man and tried to reason with Isildur. But in the end the man he trusted most killed him. Shortly after Isildur himself died" she explains.

"What happens if Arwen dies?" Legolas asks.

"Then I to would die" she states.

"Why are you not sadden by that?" he asks confused.

"Death is apart of the cycle of life and every spirit wolf dies in the end. Unless..." she says trailing off.

"Unless what?" he asks.

"Unless I find love with an elf and he loves me. I'll die once Papa is crowned king or if we lose and Sauron gets the ring" she states. "I'm tired now, goodnight Legolas" she says before heading to the fellowship's sleeping chamber, leaving Legolas on the balcony. She lays between the two sleeping hobbits and falls asleep.


Picture above of Serena.

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