Uruk-hai and Taken

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Serena's POV

I find Frodo near an old stone structure near a cliff and Ada approaches him slowly. "It has taken Boromir" Frodo states. Ada looks at me nodding his head and I ran off in search of Boromir. Suddenly I smell Uruks and crouch down hiding behind a bush as they appear.

"Find the Halflings and wolf! Yaggh! Find the Halflings and wolf!" the leader orders the others. Once they left I take off towards our camp site to warn the others. But when I got there no one is in sight. I focus on the environment feeling it around me and feel Pippin near by with Merry. I ran towards them and see them hiding under a bush.

'You two ok?' I ask and they nod their heads.

"Frodo!" Merry calls and I turn to see Frodo hiding behind a tree.

"Hide here! Quick! Come on!" Pippin tells him and Frodo shakes his head. "What's he doin'?" Pippin asks Merry and I.

'He's leaving' I tell Pippin and Merry.

"No!" Pippin shouts jumping out of our hiding spot. Merry follows him shouting his name.

'Run Frodo, go' I tell him and jump out beside Merry as several uruks head this way. 'Merry, Pippin get on and hold tight' I tell them crouching down. They do so and I take off running as we lead the uruks away from Frodo. Merry and Pippin were taunting the uruks.

"It's working!" Pippin shouts.

"I know it's working, run Serena" Merry tells me and I push myself harder. I cross a stone bridge and see uruks coming. Merry and Pippin get off me as an uruk raises his battleaxe. I growl about to attack him when Boromir appears. He knocks the Uruk back, and kills him with his own axe. Before throwing a knife at an other uruk as more close in.

"Protect the little ones" Boromir tells me and I nod my head as I stand in front of them attacking any uruk that comes to close. Eventually I start to help Boromir fight as there is to many for him to deal with. Merry and Pippin were throwing rocks at the uruks.

'Boromir there is to many, we need help' I state and he nods his head. He pulls up his horn and blows into it. Problem was it also alerts more uruks to our location as well as our friends. Merry and Pippin take out the swords Grandmother gave them as Boromir uses the horn again.

I kill three uruks while Boromir kills two more and Merry stabs uruks with Pippin. "Run!" Boromir shouts at us and I make Pippin run in front of me with Merry. Meanwhile he fights on as Merry and Pippin start to throw rocks again. Suddenly I see Boromir stumble backwards and look over to see an arrow in his shoulder.

I growl loudly and look for the archer I spot the lead uruk loading an other arrow. I leave Merry and Pippin charging towards the leader. When I jumped to tackle him I was tackled to the ground hard and whine in pain. The leader releases an other arrow that gets Boromir in the stomach.

But Boromir still fights on as I strangle to get the pail of uruks off of me. Suddenly I feel something knocking the back of my head. As I start to black out I feel the uruks put a muzzle on me. I hear Merry and Pippin yelling as they drew their swords before I black out.

(After fight) no one's POV

Aragorn killed the uruk leader, but Serena and the halfings were no where in sight. He runs over to Boromir who has three arrows sticking out of him. "They took the little ones and wolf" Boromir gasps out.

"Be still" Aragorn tells him, but he now worries for Serena. "I let Frodo go" he states when Boromir asked where Frodo was.

"Then you did what I could not, I tried to take the Ring from him" Boromir explains.

"The Ring is beyond our reach now" Aragorn assures him.

"Forgive me, I did not see it. I have failed you all" Boromir tells him.

"No, Boromir, you fought bravely! You have kept your honor" Aragorn states as he goes to pull the arrows out.

"Leave it! It is over. The world of men will fall, and all will come to darkness... and my city to ruin" Boromir states.

"I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the White City fall... nor our people fail" Aragorn promises Boromir.

"Our people? Our people" Boromir states as he reaches for his sword. Aragorn picks it up and places the hilt in Boromir's hand. "I would have followed you my Brother... my Captain... my King" Boromir says before he dies.

"Be at peace, son of Gondor" Aragorn states and kisses Boromir's brow. Legolas and Gimli finally reach the scene. They look sadly at Aragorn and Boromir. Aragorn stands and says"they will look for his coming from the White Tower, but he will not return."

They had carried Boromir back to the boats as Frodo and Sam reached the other side of the river. Boromir is laid to rest in one of the remaining boats. His sword rests with him, his shield is above his head and his split horn at his side. Before the boat is pushed off the shore and the others watch it go over the water fall.

Legolas runs over to the last boat and shoves it into the water. "Hurry! Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore" he tells the others. However, Aragorn says nothing and does not move from his spot. "You mean not to follow them?" Legolas asks him.

"Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands" Aragorn states.

"Then it has all been in vain! The Fellowship has failed" Gimli states. Aragorn walks over to the pair and places a hand on each of there shoulders.

"Not if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Or to Serena to torture and to be used for evil. Not while we have strength left" he tells them. "Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light. Let us hunt some Orc" he states.

Legolas and Gimli look at each other smiling. "Yes! Haha!" Gimli yells. Aragorn takes off into the woods followed by Legolas and Gimli. Both Legolas and Aragorn thought don't worry Serena we're coming.


Picture above of the muzzle placed on Serena before blacking out. See you in the next chapter and the beginning of the Two Towers.

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