Canyons Of My Loneliness

591 22 16

Warning sexual content

Stevie is sitting at the piano of her Beverly Hills home. It's about midnight on a Monday night. Two weekends ago she broke up with Lindsey after wrapping up their recording session in Sausalito. Stevie had sent Lindsey home with their car while she caught a ride to the airport and flew home.

After returning home Stevie immediately moved out of her and Lindsey's place and bought this home. Stevie was hoping her leaving Lindsey would be a wake-up call for him to realize that his behavior needed to change. The jealousy, the constant critique of her personally and professionally. His constant mood swings have been too much to bear for Stevie.

She hopes that he would realize these things and go back to being the sweet man she fell in love with while the two struggled to make it in the music business. Unfortunately Lindsey did something else. He started dating the secretary at Sound City almost immediately. Her name is Carol Ann and Stevie thinks she's just along for the ride enjoying living the rock and roll lifestyle. She also thinks Carol Ann is clueless bitch.

Lindsey has done everything he can to rub Stevie's nose in this current relationship of his. From making out in the sound booth to having her on his lap wherever he happens to be at the time. He also seems to delight in his relentless stream of cruel comments and gestures to Stevie.

Stevie's response has been a couple of things. First off she accepted a date with Don Henley and made sure everyone knew about it. She went as far as to have Don pick her up at the studio after she announced she had to leave early one evening. She relished the crestfallen look on Lindsey's face as Don opened the door to his limo and let Stevie inside. Later on that night after being fueled with liquor and cocaine by Don, Stevie let him have his way with her.

Stevie silently cried afterwards, not feeling any of the passion, love or chemistry with Don that she always had with Lindsey. He is a pale shadow of what she had and what she lost.

The second thing she has done to respond to Lindsey's cruelty is to repay him with venomous hatred spewing from her own mouth. She has told him she hates him and can't understand why she'd ever laid eyes on him on the first place. By the way he winces she knows she has hit him where it hurts.

Stevie thinks all these things while she writes some new lyrics to unfinished song by Christine called Keep Me There. Stevie is drinking a glass of wine when she gets an idea. She gets up from her piano and goes over and picks up her Fender basic guitar and starts strumming it. Stevie sings a few lines while playing

Slipped into the fountains
Of my emptiness
I let the tear drops fall
I let um go
Stepped into the canyons
Of my loneliness
And I went about as far as I could go

Stevie feels the tear drops start to fall and just like the lyric she sang, she lets them go. She puts her guitar down and goes over and grabs the notepad with the lyrics to the song and sits at the desk in the corner of the room. She grabs a joint thats sitting in the ashtray and lights it up. Stevie takes a couple drags as her tears subside.

She puts out the joint and grabs a yellow notepad and a pen and starts to write down some new lyrics to the song. After crossing out a few parts and adding new ones Stevie takes the notepad and sets it on an easel. She picks up the guitar and starts strumming it again and sings another verse

Even as I searched for you, I knew
Even if I found you you'd be so cold
Even when I found you baby I knew
That I'd gone about as far
As I could go

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