You Won't Love Me Again

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Sexual Situations because I know you all like them! Just kidding, just some R rated BN doing their thing.

  Lindsey says into the phone

"Stevie what's going on you never call me, much less in the middle of the night."

  Stevie responds

  "Ive been working on Christine's song and I've rewritten it and renamed it The Chain."

  "I want you to play the guitar part and help me finish the demo."

  "I think it's good Linds and with your help it could make the album."

  Lindsey thinks for a few seconds. He is both intrigued and would like the opportunity to make Stevie happy after her song got pulled from the album. He says to her

  "Okay Stevie, what do you have in mind?"

  Stevie smiles. She knows he's interested. She decides to press her luck. She says

  "How about right now?"

  Lindsey groans then replies

  "You still stay up the entire night don't you?"

  "You know some of us like to sleep occasionally."

  Stevie is sure she can get him to come over now and she knows how to hook him. She says softly into the phone

  "I'll make it worth your while, now don't keep me waiting."

  With that said Stevie hangs up. She is very sure he got the message. She gets up and goes to freshen up, he will be there in minutes.

  Lindsey stares at the phone. Stevie has just hung up after telling him she'll make it worth his while to come over and work on her demo. His mood perks up. He puts the gun away and relocks the drawer. He then pulls the middle drawer in the desk out revealing a mirror with several lines of cocaine ready and a rolled up twenty dollar bill also ready for use. Lindsey takes the rolled up bill and snorts a couple lines, he knows he will probably need the energy.

  With a new found pep, Lindsey grabs his car keys and a pack of cigarettes along with a couple of joints and heads out of his studio and out the front door of his house. His earlier dark thoughts forgotten, he's ready for an adventure with a certain Ms Stevie Nicks. Lindsey hops in his Mercedes and heads on down the road to her house.

  Stevie has changed her clothes and freshened up a bit. She, also like Lindsey, availed herself the opportunity to snort a couple quick lines. She knows this is starting to become a more frequent habit but isn't in the mood to worry right now. Lindsey is on his way and she's excited for him to hear her reworked song. She thinks to herself

  "If he behaves himself he may even get laid."

  That last thought definitely has Stevie attention. Of all the problems her and Lindsey have had over the years, sex is not one of them. The two know exactly what the other likes and and they both find it easier to show each other their true feelings in this fashion.

  Before she knows it there is someone knocking at her front door. She goes and opens it and finds Lindsey standing there. He is dressed in a white tshirt with bell bottom jeans and flip flops. His guitar is in a case strapped to his back. She gazes all over him stopping at his handsome face and piercing blue eyes. She also notices he's wearing the pendant  necklace that matches hers. Her heart swells not having seen it around his neck in a long time. These where always a visual reminder of their love affair to her. Stevie definitely can feel some stirrings deep inside the pit of her stomach. The love she has for him rising almost choking her in emotion.

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