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"Are you okay?" Justin asks me. We're in a van from the hotel we were staying at, and we're headed there right now. If anyone asks how I would I want to spend my first day here in Hawaii, I would tell them I would sleep my head off. I need to get Ashton out of my head, but of course, I can't.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lie.

Justin and I have been friends before we even hit the first grade, and he kind of knows me more than I know myself, because he says, "You know, when you lie, you need to be believable," as he chuckles.

I roll my eyes at him. "I really am fine," I lie again.

"I'm not buying it."

"Well I'm not trying to sell it," I mumble, not sure if he heard me or not.


"Okay, so here's the plan," Justin's mom tell us right after she got our room key cards from the reception desk. "Peter and I are rooming, obviously. And Sam gets her own room, and Sandra and Justin are staying together." I did not miss her cheerful tone as she said that.

"What?" Justin and I say simultaneously.

"You two are sharing rooms," she repeats.

"Yeah, I heard you, I'm not deaf," Justin says, his tone almost harsh. "Why?"

"Well, I thought you two might want to. You're best friends and all."

"Why didn't you ask the two of us first? Maybe we didn't even want-" Justin ranted, but I interrupted him.

"It's okay, I'm fine with it," I said, and I surprised everybody, including myself.

Justin looked at me weirdly, as if I started to grow something peculiar for a teenage girl to have, and he didn't stop as we we're riding an elevator up to the floor our room was at.

I don't even get why Justin was so against this. Before my fits attack, he walked into my room and sat on my bed casually. He even tried to flirt with me, whether it was a joke or not. But now, he seems really uncomfortable to think we were sharing a room for the whole week we were staying here. Weird much?

"So how do you guys want to spend your first night here?" Justin's mom asked us.

Good thing I thought of what to answer earlier. "Sleep? Jetlag got me," I gave her a small smile.

"Then sleep it is," she returned my smile. "But we need to go down at the restaurant at 6:30, we have our formal dinner tonight."

"Um, is that tonight?" Justin finally decides to speak up.

"I thought you weren't deaf?" His mom rolled her eyes at him.

"Well, it's just that..." He began to say, but his voice trailed off, like he didn't want to say more. After a few seconds, he sighed, and continued whatever it is that he was about to say. "I was thinking of taking Sandra out tonight. You know Hawaiian nightlife. Since it's her first time here and not mine, I figured I can show her around," and after he said that, he looked on the ground, a characteristic every boy I know has when they get nervous about something.

"Justin, we have an entire week ahead of us. Can't your partying be moved to tomorrow or maybe the day after?" His mom tries to convince him.

"No can do," he said teasingly. "I really want to spend my first night here with her," he said, gesturing to me. "Just the two of us," he said with great emphasis.

"Okay, fine," his mom finally gave in. "Sam, you're okay with it?" She said, turning to my mom.

"I'm okay with everything, as long as Sandra's safe," she flashed her signature smile.

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