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Depression is not just a feeling.
It is not just the thoughts
that run through one's head at 3 in the morning.
It is not just a phase...
or a way for me to gain attention or sympathy.
It is not just.. anything.
It is everything.

It takes over your life,

like a mind-controlling parasite. 
Eating away at your sanity,
until you are left an empty shell,
longing to be fulfilled,
longing to be sane,
longing to be you.
It is not a light,

so easily lit or blown out.
It is a stone cold darkness,
that snuffs out motivation and interest.
It is a nightmare that one would never dare forget.
It is a living thing that takes over your body
when you are too tired to fight back.
Your soul being trapped,
Your brain wanting so badly to function,
but you're too exhausted to do anything.

It is not just feeling sad.

It is a numbness

that prevents happiness,
because being happy is "too good for you"
Being anything is "too good for you"

so you relish in the feeling of being nothing,

because "you are nothing"
and you will always be nothing.
Depression is not something to make fun of.
It is not something to be ignored.
It is not a way for me to get out of going to parties,
or a way for me to hide how I feel.
Depression is real.
It is not nothing...
even though its host is.

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