Chapter 3

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I have no idea how college life will be like? Will I make new friends? Will I ever love someone who would love me the same way? Ummm, I don't know the answers now but let's see what will happen at the end.

The thoughts of having a boyfriend again make butterflies in my stomach dance around. I don't notice what happens but shiver uncomfortably about it.

The walk to the principle office is silent. Miley holding my hands and the both guys following us without speaking a single word, until Miley withdraws me from my thoughts for the tenth time this day, but worry covers her bright smile as if she was comforting her self. I can see that she's worry.

''What are you thinking about?'' She questions.

''Nothing'' I pause ''I'm just nervous, a bit. You know going to college and stuff.'' 

''You shoudn't be. At least you're 18 and going to college'' She replies, trying to comfort but it confuses.

''How? W-What do you mean? I don't get it? '' I ask ,curious about her respond.

''Like; for example: Me !!'' She's trying to find the words but seems to fail. Her mouth opens but doesn't spill a word until mere seconds. ''I went to college when I was 16 but my 17th birthday was near. I was the youngest among my mates and everybody there. Till now, I'm the youngest among them, but who cares ? Nobody, either I. So you shouldn't be worry, I will be there for you always. Okay ?"

Gosh!!  I love this girl so much. The way she is; her act, the way she talks,dresses_ Like a sailor but she has got a heart of an angel that can fit the whole world.

''Love you a lot. You're my sister whom my mom didn't give birth to'' I wrap my arms around her body in a tight hug.

When we pull away, we get a naive glance from Tomas and Justin who are standing behind us like stalkers holding my bags.

''Okay girl, here we are !'' Miley squeals as we walk through the gate, passing across the enormous main hall.

A girl instructs us to the left side. Once we're in, my eyes scan the mirrored glass side of this whole elegant building. Omg !  There are a lot of students waiting for their schedules. I'm beginning to panic and the three of them notice it.

Justin whispers something in Tomas's ears. I can't figure what is he saying to him. Tomas nod and disappears quickly

Justin pats my shoulder ''Its gonna be okay, don't worry'' He winks with a bright smirk that appears to be a gorgeous smile.

Tomas approaches us and handles Justin a paper that has a number on it. What is this?

Out of sudden "I need to use the restroom'' I jump in my place, gripping my fists and my knuckles turn white.

''Maybe because you're nervous. That's why you just feel you need to - '' He starts but I cutt him off.

''No. I really need it'' I grumble. ''Please'' I beg him with invisible tears in my eyes like a lost puppy.

He nods ''Okay, okay. Go, but return as quick as possible. Your turn is after two students''

My eyes widen as he announces ''How did you know? What did you do? What is happening over here? ''

Tomas responds quickly ''I went and wrote your name so you can enter and take your papers as quick as you can. Don't panic, okay? Oh, and yeah the restroom is over there, near the right corridor.'' He points to the corridor at the side of the hall. ''Thirty seconds and you will be there'' He instructs with a smile.

"Thanks my friend, Love you'' He seemes amazed with the words that left my mouth. With a quick kiss on his cheek, I leave to make my way out of the hall to the restroom but before I can, a hand grabs my wrist.

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