Chapter 2

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The car halts in the parking lot, after fifteen minutes of roaming around the dorms trying to find my section.

''Here we are.'' Tomas smiles and points to the large 'A' painted in black color on the massive building. 

"Rose, be sure that it's your dorm section. We have been roaming for minutes here. So, you won't have to carry your stuff and gadgets when we leave.'' Miley snaps the moment Tomas finishes his sentence.

I huff and nod, ''Yeah it is. I have been checking my instructions booklet the whole ride Miley,'' I pause for few seconds then speak up, "Plus I won't let you leave till next morning, its noon already. You look tired and exhausted" I throw my hand in the air pointing to them, leaving 'You have to carry your stuff and gadget when we leave'  part behind. I know how she gets cheeky when she fails to joke.

That's one of the fact I have to admit that I loved since I have met her on my first day at primary school. We have been best friends for ages. We've been through the sweetness and bitterness of life. People think of her in a bad way, even though they only know her name but not her story. 

''What are you thinking about?'' Justin interrupts my thougths, with a grin on his face.

Annoyed by the fact how people act this days, ''Nothing," comes instead.

''Lets go then, I'm starving to death." Miley screams in her childish way. ''Probably you don't want your friend to die in this damn car.''

''Miley!'' I babble. ''Stop acting like a child,'' even though I would do the same if I was in her place, but that's not accpetable at all. Well I'm actually starving.

Tomas giggles at how we act - like kids when ever we're around them.

''What's so funny?'' I raise an eye brow at him and before noticing, there is a smirk playing along.

God! Why I have to fail miserably when I want to sound serious? 

''Nothing, it's just seems so ironic over here, right Justin? " He rolls his eyes to meet Justin's.

Justin just nods, aware from my reaction even though he knows I'm not a werewolf or a vampire, I don't bite. I can't help but think how funny my thoughts are. A smiled crossed its way on my face.

"Oh, Say it Justin," I comfort him, "and for your information, I don't bite like Miley." Miley shifts to look at us. I wonder who was she looking at. God knows how she thinks.

''Heeeey,'' she smiles, "I don't bite. I suck and blow." Rolling her tongue over her top lip, she smirks, an evil one.

Once the two guys recognize her sentence, their jaws fall to the floor.

I can't help but freeze in my seat. Miley broke the awkward silent in the car with her hands in the air, both of her middle fingers are pointed towards us. I hope she doesn't try to sound dirty once again.

Immediately, I throw my hands in the air as if I was waving to someone, ''Miley!" I bark. "How many times do I have to tell you to behave?'' I try to soften my tone. Seriously I don't want to sound like a mother, but I do care about Miley and I don't want people to think of her in a bad way. 

God no! She's an adult, not a kid anymore. She should do what ever the hell she wants and shouldn't care about anything or anyone. Screw this cruel world with judgemental freaks roaming as if they were perfect, but from deep inside they know that they are made of plastic -  fake souls.

"Sorry Mom!'' She says with a smirk. "Please, please, don't cut off the daily candy after lunch and dinner,'' she teases.

I can't control my self but burst into laughter on how she reacts. God she's flawless. That's why I love her a lot.

Seconds later and I'm still laughing, trying to recover as my stomach starts to pound - that's painful!

''Woah!'' Justin blathers, "Calm down Rose, you're gonna pee in your pants." He pauses till the moment I calm down. "If you haven't already,'' he mumbles.

''Ha-Ha-Ha, sounds pathetic," I can't stop myself from giggling since morning.

''Come, lets go." Miley and Tomas said in unison.

They should be thinking the same way. Why don't they date? Both of them would look splendid. I have to come up with an idea so they can be a couple for God's sake.

After the long thoughts that had been pounding in my head, "Seems to be interesting, haaah.'' I inform as I poke Justin's arm playfully hoping he get what I mean.

Instead he snorts, ''Naaaaaah, I don't think it will work.'' he actually got what I meant but disagreeing with the idea.

Well, I guess I will have to work it up by myself. Miley and Tomas stare at each other as if they were asking themselves, what arewe talking about?

I don't know what to say. I better say something to get out of this car before any of Miley or Tomas try to wonder about what's happening in here.

Suggesting is the  only thing, I can come up with, ''Okay, so lets go."  I'm really exhausted and I have to find my dorm and sort everything out before I pass out.

''I don't want to be late, even though I missed today's classes but I really have to sort things as fast as possible, rigth now. I have to go to the principle to get my classes' schedule, sets and my room's key.'' I inhale after this long speech even if it is not what I should be doing as my doctor told me to be aware of, due to my asthma. But in fact, I'm satisfied that they are listening to me cautiously, for the first time in my whole life. Yes! Finally, for heaven's sake.

 ''Okay.'' They all nod together at once.

''Lets get out of here, I need some fresh air" I add. 

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