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(natsumi was closing the door behind her)

natusmi: ( im late i have to be fast now she wear her shoes and then she was just about to take her bag and then she look infront of her and she found kanato he was trying to wear his shoes and then they look at each other)

kanato: must be kidding me are my neighbor ( in a quite voice)

(natsumi didnt really say anything and she just walk away he keep stareing at her when she was walking)

kanato:did you just agnore me?

natsumi: can say that

kanato: do you hate me?

natsumi: i dont really hate you we be friends i dont mind having a friend just as smartest as me( want to handshake her)

natsumi: ( handshake him) by the way im not as smart as smarter(and she walk away)

kanato: wait....(grab her hand)

natsumi: (she turn and look at him)

kanato:(it feels good to look at her when she turn and her hair fly like that.....wait what the hell im thinking) ummmm...sorry for grabing your hands ...but anyway we will see who will get the best highscore in this school.

natsumi: okay .....omg

we are lateeeeee omg the teacher will be mad...what kind of resone i will tell him!?

kanato: dont worry will be okay ^__^

natsumi: ( it turns that he is a good person after all)

( they walk to school and when they finally got there they enter the class kanato enterd the class first)

reiji: ohayo kanato late again!

(and then after kanato entered the class natsumi entered the class behind him)

reiji: what!...did you came togather?

the student in class: waaa!!!

kanato: she is my neightbor


reiji: so you are friends now?

kanato: yes....

(natsumi look at the window)

( i wish i can know what she is thinking about...)

natsumi( i complet all my studys and ofcourse to win the battle with kanato i have to win so i will be the first one as always in my old school i was the only smart one but now it will be a battle because im not the only one now ....)

reiji:( grab kanato from his hand and sit on kanato set and he get close to natsumi)

reiji: you dont have to be worried cause you came late the teacher is apsent anyway)

natsumi: (she turns ) oh its okay im not worried thank you anyway( smile)


kanato:(grab him and sit on his set ) dont ever grab me like that again( in a evil.and cold tone)

reiji: okay....but you will have to change set with me

kanato: no

reiji: why?

kanato:cause i like seting with that smart bug

reiji: what but you said that you dont care!!

natsumi: i want him to set here(in a cold tone)


(kanato stared at her)

natsumi: he is quite and he dont talk alot and he is smart and he is my friend and he is kind and helpful too so yeah i want him to set here(what the hell i just said)

kanato: ( smiled at her and pat her) thank you(he hair is so soft)

the class start and the too of them is really good and its look like they are bettling in the class they keep answring and reasing there hands studying hard to see who is the best

natsumi: (its so fun to battle him)

kanato:( she is really good but i will win)

(the class end and its the break time)

(natsumi sitting in the class)

kanato:(stareing) what are you doing?

natsumi: studying....

kanato: you should take a break and eat somthing...

natsumi: im not hungry...i just want to study

kanato: you should eat you look pale did you even sleep?!

natsumi: just let me study

kanato open his lunch bag and then he put the chupstik on her mouth and feed her.)

kanato: you have to eat or you will get sick!(in a cold voice)


kanato: you should be carefull about your health more then your study and you have to sleep early and stop studying like a monster!

natsumi: ( laugh in a cute way)

kanato: what are you laughing about?

natsumi:(smile) sorry its just that you talk like my mom

kanato: (pat her) anyway should sleep now

natsumi: what?!!!!... .  i will not sleep at the desk now i have to stud(he cut what she was saying)

kanato:i said sleep!....or i will kill you(smile)

natsumi: what a evil head(and put her head on the desk and start closing her eyes)

kanato: (smile)( she look adorble when she is sleeping ....what the hell im i saying!!)

(after hours of sleeping)

(natsumi was dreaming about her dead dad for the first time)

kanato: (she is crying?!) natsumi wake up....hello wake up

natsumi:(crying hard) huh?....oh im sorry did i sleep alot

kanato: why are you crying?

natsumi: oh its....its nothing

kanato:(stare at here)i dont think that its nothing ....its okay if you dont want to tell me ...but can you please stop crying( in that moment kanato freez he was so shocked because when ever he look at her she remind him of his dead mom)

natsumi: kanato are you okay?

kanato:y ...yes im just fine

natsumi: ok....

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