Chapter 2

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So instead of being responsible and reading a stupid History book,we were down to a game of soccer,using(wait for it).............a PAPER BALL!Aren't we geniuses? How to make a paper ball? That's a piece of cake!


1. Go find paper. I suggest the trash can and desks or maybe lockers where all the love letters are. You can go to the library if you want high quality paper.

2.Crumple a paper into a freaking paper ball.

3.Place the freakin ball onto a another paper and wrap that up.

4.Continue step 3 until you get a ball of your preffered size...I usually like it to the size of a heart

5.Get duct tape and wrap the ball up

6.You're DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!



2.YOU CAN KILL SOMEBODY WITH IT.....Its that hard people.....TRUST ME!!!!

I, Wilmer and Babes were in one team. Richie,Robo and D.C were in another team. We closed our classroom doors. Richie placed the thick ,heavy paper ball in the center of the classroom. I know what you're probably wondering. Where the hell is the teacher? It's recess. Why don't you play in the field? Our classroom is on the goddamn fourth floor of the school. By the time,we reached the field,recess would be over. Why play in the classroom? Our classroom is so spacious because it was a Maths room transformed into a classroom. Isn't it against the rules to play soccer in the classroom? Yes,yes it is,no question about that.

 I swung my foot to kick the ball. At that moment ,I slipped and fell butt first on the floor. The ball made a straight goal into the other team's so called 'goal post.' It was swift kick. Although the pain shot up through my butt tail(another name for the scientific coccyx). I had a proud smirk on my face that said  In your face you bullshits!  I felt like Lionel Messi,Neymar and Christiano Ronaldo pounded into one. I was invincible until.......

Everyone started laughing the shit out of them. Wilmer was laughing with one of his hand over his mouth. Babes chuckled like Tom from Tom and Jerry.Robo had a stupid grin on his face. Richie was already rolling on the floor ,tearing up from all the laughter. D.C laughed and said"What was that? You looked like a horse that just gave birth." With that,everyone started to crack up again. I sprawled on the ground. I take a good old look of myself and my face flushed red. I had a bit of a hard time trying to get up.

Wilmer and Babes helped me out. They kept laughing as they did it. Isn't it great how you could count on your friends for humiliating you even if it's the end of the world?

We spent the full 30 minutes of our recess playing soccer. We got ourselves rammed with the heavy paper ball. We ended up having sore body parts. "Enough Richie,"Wilmer said. Richie grunted."Oh come on! Don't be a bunch of sore chicken buns you guys.""Please Richie ,everyone's tired,"I said."Yeah,Risa's right,"said Robo.

"Shut up you all. Let me show you a kick that even Lionel would envy,"Richie boasted. He kicked the ball so hard that it flew high up to hit the highest window panels in the classroom. At that moment,5 window panels spontaneously broke. With that,all of our six mouths hung open."Maybe the teacher won't notice,"Wilmer convinced.

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