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   Garroth's POV:

 I was sitting in the hospital. Waiting so I can see him. See if he's ok.  I feel ashamed. This is my fault. If I would've never-

"Mr. Ro'Meave. You may see him now. But be cautious, he may be...out of sorts at the moment." A nurse said, cutting me from my thoughts.

 "O-ok. Th-thank you. " I said before getting up and walking into the room.

 When I walked in, I saw him attached to all sorts of wires. I felt my heart crack. (a/n This is important in the story later on.) I couldn't bare to see him like this.

 "L-Laurence.......?" I said softly, coming over to the side of his bed. He opened his eyes slightly, but enough for me to see his baby blue eyes.

"Ga-rro-th......" I barely heard him speak, but I could've sworn my heart skipped a beat when he did.

He was ok.

"I-I'm right here. I'm here, Laurence." I said happily. That happiness almost immediately shut off when he continued speaking.

"" he said hoarsely.

I felt my chest tighten up.

 He's right. This is all my fault. I never should've done what I did. The blame is on me. I deserve it. For what I've done.

I never should have shot him.


Whew! That absolutely took forever! I'm sorry for taking so long guys! I hadn't had any inspiration as of late. Also, I'm grounded, so I'm only allowed to use technology on days I don't have school. Oh! And an announcement I have! I am actually NOT Unikkity365, I am Unikkity124, her cousin. I am writing this book, the one-shot book, and the "Only a Reflection'' book. So, yeah! Unikkity365 is writing the other books. Anyways! Hope you enjoyed! I told you it was a twisted plan! Buh~Bai~!

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