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Garroth's POV:

I don't know how long I was in the bathroom, cleaning my cuts and bruises and trying to stop the tears from running down my face.

  There was no reason I should be crying. I wasn't allowed to cry for something that I had done to someone else. It was my fault, I should be taking responsibility.

  But, here I was, hiding behind a door and acting as if I was the one hurt.

  "Garroth? Get out already. We need to have a serious talk," I heard Travis' voice outside the door despite it being well past twenty minutes since I got in here. From the sound of it, he was done playing nice.

  And I wish that it had scared me.

  "Give me a moment," I managed to reply, splashing my face with water to clean off the remaining dirt.

  "You've had your moment, now get out," Travis was making it clear that he was close to doing what I normally do and bust down the door if I so much as answer wrong.

  I sighed.

  "Alright! Alright, I'm coming out..." I answered, turning off the faucet and checking my face in the mirror.

  I still had black and blue on it, and no doubt on other parts of my body, but there's nothing I can do for that. Only time can heal.

  With a deep breath, I turned and opened the door, stepping out into the hall and locking eyes with a very pissed off Travis. His arms were crossed in a low defensive position, but I could see his fingers digging tightly into his sweater. Even for someone who was shorter than me, it was intimidating to see.

  "You mind explaining to me exactly what just happened?" The albino seethed, eyes searching my face for an answer I wouldn't let him see. 

  "I'm pretty sure the situation explained itself," I pushed past him, going to my room with him hot on my heels.

  "No. In fact, I think I missed the memo where that happened. Because, believe it or not, I'm confused as hell right now!" Travis growled, obviously frustrated that I was seemingly not paying attention as I rummaged my closet for clean clothes.

  I was though. How could I not? I just couldn't bring myself to look him in the face as he spoke. I couldn't bear to see the hatred in his eyes. What I had built up with him as a friend had all crumbled into nothing, and I knew there was no way I could fix it if they knew the truth.

  Or maybe they don't need to know it, because I wouldn't be able to fix it anyway.

  "I'm sorry that you're confused. I wish I knew what to say to clear everything up but I-I..." The shirt I was holding at that moment fell to the floor, my eyes searching my now empty hands for the resolve I needed to confess.

  I can't let this get any worse.

  I feel like I'm drowning.

  How had this happened?

  How could I let this happen?

  Was there a way out of here?

  Someone...someone tell me that there is...


  "Garroth..." I heard Travis sigh, his footsteps coming over before I felt arms wrap themselves around my torso. "Just stop...stop crying...stop destroying yourself...trust us...please..." I didn't even realize I was crying until he said it, the tears falling from my eyes being blunk into focus. 

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