Answers (pt2)

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 Laurence's POV: 

  A rush of emotions shot through my body as I tried to piece together why Garroth's sweater was splotched with blood. Why is it from that night? Why hasn't he told us about it? Or at least I think he hasn't. Dante and Travis didn't mention it whenever they came to visit, and they didn't mention it today when they came and admitted me out of the hospital. 

  More long until you realize your mistake...?

  I heard the darker part of me whisper. I shook my head and tried to ignore it, but I knew that it was right. But I didn't know what it was right about. Garroth wouldn't do anything dangerous...would he...? He's been my best friend for years!

  And my crush for half those years...

  Heat rushed to my cheeks as I thought about how hopelessly in love I am with him(A/N "and I am hopelessly in love with him." is a quote from one of my top 3 favorite books! Comment down below if you know what it is and in the next chapter, I'll name the people who got it right!). However, one look at the hoodie and that heat disappeared. 

  I picked it up in my hands again and ran my thumb over the stain. It was big, like the blood was leaking through uncontrollably and spread out in the fabric. It definitely didn't look like a minor injury. A part of me wanted to scream at Garroth the second he got home and demand an explanation, but the other part of me thought it best to ignore it and move on. 

  Both options were bound to lead to bad conclusions in the long run, and I didn't really feel like making Garroth more uneasy with me than he already was. Which ties to another question. Why is he nervous around me? Is it because of that night? The night that I put a dent in our friendship by nearly doing something that would destroy it. 

  A sigh escaped from my lips as I rolled the sweater up and sat it in my lap again. I decided to ask him about it when he got home, but not with yelling. I didn't want to screw this up again, not when Garroth could possibly be mixed in with dangerous things. 

  As if he heard me think his name, Garroth walked through the front door. He was bruised and bloodied, his clothes were tattered and ripped. His face paled as he looked up to see me, sitting at the table with an unfinished BLT. 

  "Garroth?! Are you ok?!" I asked, my eyes widening at the scene. He seemed to freeze and just stood at the open door. It seemed like an eternity before he finally spoke, his voice cracking.

  "I-I'm fine...just..fell down a hill is all..." he said, walking towards the bathroom. I could tell he was lying, and it hurt in more ways than one. I sucked in a breath and hid the sweater behind my back. 

  "Garroth. Your lying," I was surprised at the hardness in my voice when I said it, and the way Garroth turned around, I could tell he was too. 

  "No...I'm telling you the truth, Laurence. It was just a clumsy accident," He didn't seem sure of his words, and that was all I needed. I put my hand on the side of the table and pushed my wheelchair in front of his path, wincing at the pain in my chest. I looked up into his sky blue eyes and fought the urge to drag him down by the arm and kiss all his injuries away. Instead, I clenched my fists and grit my teeth.

  "What happened Garroth? Who did this to you? Is this why you weren't here at the hospital today?" The questions started spilling from my mouth faster than I could stop them. I could feel tears start to prick my eyes, but I ignored it. Garroth's face practically screamed 'I got caught'

  "Laurence, you're stressing yourself out. Now let me get to the bathroom please," He tried to get past me again, but I pushed against the wall and rolled over his foot. Garroth yelped and winced away. 

  "I know what I'm saying Garroth. What's going on with you? Ever since you first came to visit me at the hospital you've been acting strange! I want to know what's going on with you!" My voice was raised. I heard it when the last words left my mouth. Garroth frowned and I watched as his jaw hardened and his right hand clenched into a fist. 

  "For Irene's sake just drop it, alright?! I'm fine! Nothing's going on! If this is about missing this morning then I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I just got caught up in--"

  "Caught up in what?! Garroth! I got SHOT for crying out loud! Does that mean anything to you?!" From the corner of my eye, I saw Dante and Travis come out of their rooms and stand on the side to watch. They looked wide-eyed at Garroth's appearance, mouths open in shock. The shaking in my voice was undeniable, and even Garroth had an edge to his. 

  "It means everything to me!" He shouted back, his pale cheeks reddening with frustration. 

  "Then WHY weren't you there?!" The sweater's fabric seemed to burn into my back as the weight of his lies seethed into it. 

  He's lying again...why not just stop it...?

  I shoved the voice into the back of my mind as Garroth stood there speechless. I could tell Dante and Travis were expecting him to say something, just as I was. Instead, he stood there like a dumbfounded idiot. 

  A handsome....lovable...NO! Stop it! This is serious!

  "...Like I said...I got caught up in something..." His voice was quiet, almost like he was trying to convince himself. His words made me want to smack him in the face. What in the world could have kept him from coming to get me? 

  "Too caught up...for me...?" My voice cracked as I spoke. "Too caught see if I'm ok...? Too caught up to worry about me getting shot?" I started to get louder and ignored it when Travis put his hand on my shoulder to calm me down. "Tell me Garroth! What are you too caught up in doing that I don't seem to matter anymore!" I put my left hand behind my back and grasped onto the sweater, scowling up at the blonde in front of me. He sighed. 

  "Laurence..." He started and put his hand up. I shook my head with frustration and yanked out the sweater, holding it up in his face. 

  "If I mean even a LITTLE to you--then tell me what this blood is! WHY is it on the sweater you were wearing the night I got shot?!" My face burned as I held my hand in the air. Garroth looked like he had just seen a ghost, and the other two were so silent I had to glance to see if they were breathing. 

  Garroth didn't say not one word. He just looked at me, frozen and speechless. This is his secret.

  "If this has something to do with it..." I took a deep breath as I spoke. "Then you better start giving me some answers..."

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