The Gift

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For the most part, they've been able to cope. Who? Well, you should know by now. I mean, this is a sequel. But...if ya didn't read the first book, we got problems. None of this will make sense. Trust me.


True to her wish, they've stayed together. Because they know it's what she would have wanted. They've moved into a large home to help one another when they have nightmares or panic attacks. Despite their 'cold' natures, it actually happens at least once a week.

Don't you think it's a little unfair? For her?

(Y/N) has been upset in heaven since her farewell. She's been crying nonstop, saying their suffering is her fault. In truth they are living normal lives. She just doesn't want to believe it. Her parents, the Angels, everyone. God himself got a note from the demons that they were worried about (Y/N). Usually before their third day in heaven, ghosts that were depressed turn back happy. It's been a year and (Y/N)'s state hasn't improved.

Well, guess what?

One day, black wings sprung from (Y/N)'s back. Know what that means? She's become a fallen angel.

Fallen angels remember their past. They can live an entirely different life.

Or remind and reunite with those they lost.

But they can't tell them directly.

And so a new story begins.

Join (Y/N) in a journey to a longly awaited reunion.

A Song Can Tell 1000 Stories.

Sequel to A Picture Can Tell 1000 Words.

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