The Meeting

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On my way college, I stopped at a coffee shop. I went here on a regular basis, so I was confused to see a new person at the register. It might sound weird, but she seemed....familiar. (H/L) (H/C) hair, her only eye that wasn't covered by hair was (E/C), black wings, and a cheeky smile. Kind of reminded me I need to forget her. I want to. No I don't. But I need to.

"Uh sir? Can I take your order?"

"Huh? Oh sorry. Just spaced out."

"*giggle* It happens to the best of us."

Her voice. Her giggle. It sounds so like her.

"Y-yeah. I'll take a large caramel macchiato."

"Wow what a mouthful. That'll be $6.15."

I handed her the money and her hand brushed mine. It was baby soft. Just like hers.

"Ha. It is."

My smiled dimmed a bit.

"Is something wrong?"

"Uh n, no. Just need my coffee."

"Whoops. Just sit down. I'll get it for ya."


I sat at my usual table, the one next to the large window. Sometimes I would see passing classmates and wave. They'd wave back, then continue on their way. As I went lost in thought, someone tapped my shoulder. She was quite tall, so she had slightly bent down. Strands of her hair had fallen loose onto her face. She handed me my drink.

"Bleh. Hair problems am I right?"

"Hm I guess. I can't really relate."

"Haha. Makes sense. See ya later I guess."

As she turned to leave I grabbed her wrist. She spun around, her wings almost whacking me in the face.


"Could you stay? I'd love to learn more about you."

"Uh. Well, my boss..."

"Oh I see."

"I'm really sorry."

"Don't be."

Suddenly a girl came out of nowhere and shoulder hugged the girl. I was quickly able to read 'Tatiana' from the name tag.

"Aw come on (Y/N)! You can hang out with the dude!"

"But boss! I need to work!"

"Work, derk. Just get to know the guy! And I told you to call me Tea!"

Tatiana practically hauled the girl into the chair and quickly left. Her cheeks burned with blush.

"Sorry about that. Ever since we met, Tea has been trying to 'hook me up'"

She put her fingers and arched them to make quotes.

"Why? Is she in a relationship?"

"Nah. We're both single Pringles."

"I don't see how. You both seem like amazing people. I would think boys would be drooling over you."

"Oh trust me, they have. I'm just not up for dating."

I sipped my coffee. I wonder why. Why does she have the same name? Why?!

"So your name is (Y/N)?"

"Yeah. You are?"

"Paperjam. You remind me of someone."

"Really? Why so?"

"She was a really good friend of mine in high school."

"What did she look like?"

"(H/L) (H/C) hair with a white streak. (E/C) and white eyes. Her name was also (Y/N)."

"What a coincidence. Only I have it almost opposite."

She moved her hair from her covered eye and it was a black iris. There wasn't even whites in her eye other than shines. I couldn't help the gasp that came out of my mouth. The drink that was in my hand dropped. Before it hit the floor, a (F/C) force caught it. I looked to (Y/N) and her hand was outstretched.

"Close one."

"Ah, sorry."

She looked away and smiled to me as the drink returned to my hand.

"Do me a favor?"

I hummed in response. (Y/N) held my hand, making my face heat up. When she let go, I felt a longing. Just like when (Y/N) would give me a hug or hold my hand. That little cinnamon roll.

"See ya Paperjam. I hope we see one another again."


I stayed sitting and moved my hand, then I realized it had something in it. I opened my palm to see a small slip of paper. As I read it, I couldn't help but smile and be shocked at her sly placement.

'((Phone #))
Let's keep in touch!'

Hm. I'm gonna tell everyone about (Y/N). If the hole that our (Y/N) left was empty, maybe this girl could fill it.


Just maybe.

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