The Special

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I walked home, a backpack filled with homework on my back. Class had ended and I contemplated going to the coffee shop to see (Y/N) again. Would she even be there? I decided to go anyway, knowing it would gnaw at my mind if I didn't. When I entered, I just sat down at a seat by the window, looking at the world outside. The cafe had an amazing view of the city, capturing the skyline and the stunning sunset. I went to our group chat.

You: Are you guys at home? If so,  join me at Tatiana's Tea.

I put my phone away, just watching the sun go down. I didn't hear the footsteps, but rather a chuckle. I turned around to see a familiar face. She smiled widely and waved.

"Back so soon, Paperjam?"

I couldn't help but smile at her, (Y/N)'s joy was just contagious. Just like-

"Oh. PJ!"

I turned to see Fresh. (Y/N) smiled and held out a hand.

"Hello, you must be Paperjam's friend. I'm (Y/N)."

He seemed to freeze up, not taking her hand. (Y/N) turned to me with a worried face.

"D-Did I say something wrong?"

Fresh snapped out of it, shaking his head.

"Ah, no. You just have the same name as an old friend."

(Y/N) giggled, shaking her head.

"That's exactly what he said! Small world, huh?"

Fresh then took her hand, shaking it lightly.

"I'm Fresh, nice to meet you."

She nodded as Fresh sat down. (Y/N) took out a small notepad and removed the pen from her ear. 

"Can I get you guys something?"

"Could I have a cup of milk tea?"

She nodded, quickly scribbling away at the paper before turning to me.

"Can I have just a small cupcake?"

"What flavor?"

"Surprise me."

She smiled and wrote something down before running off. I looked over to Fresh, he was staring at her as she disappeared. He looked at me while wiping his glasses. 

"I'm guessing she reminds you of her, huh?"

He nodded, replacing his glasses. 

"Yeah... Same for you?"

I nodded as well. Footsteps approached and I looked to the person.

"Are you Paperjam and Fresh?"

"Uh.. yes."

He smiled and placed a small cupcake in front of me and a cup of boba milk tea in front of Fresh. He chuckled saying,

"You guys must mean something to her, she only does this kind of stuff for coworkers and special people."

"What do you mean?"

He didn't answer, instead he just left. I looked to my cupcake and realized it wasn't one I had seen in the display before. I couldn't see the kind of batter, but the spiraled icing was a dark grey identical to my bones. Pink, blue, and yellow splatters decorated the almost-black spiral. The paper wrapper was a bright pink that had yellow stars with blue centers, reminding me of my eyes. I looked to Fresh's cup. It was one of the refillable plastic cups that would cost more then the disposable ones. The warm brown color made the glasses that were drawn on it stand out. In the right lens a small upside down heart identical to the one in Fresh's eye. The bottom edge and sides were intricate motherboards. They overlaid one another, details unmissed and each unique. This was unnaturally fitting perfectly with Fresh, who was majoring in computer science. I called the man back, which he complied to.

"How may I help you?"

"Who made these? The cup and cupcake."

"She goes by (Y/N)."

Fresh and I shared a gaze of shock as the man simply walked away. As if on cue, the winged girl walked over, smiling. 

"Hey guys! What's with the faces? It's like you've seen a ghost!"

I chuckled and heard Fresh mutter 'You'd be surprised.'. She just grinned and her wings flapped a bit. 

"Did you guys like your orders?"

I nodded. 

"How did you make these in so little time?"  

The (H/C) girl smiled and winked. 

"That's my little secret."

We just stared, not knowing what to say. Her smile faltered at this. 

"Sorry. Did I go and make things awkward?"

We shook our heads. She breathed out a sigh of relief just as the bell rung multiple times for the door. (Y/N) turned to it and walked over, holding the door open for the group.

"Hello! Welcome to Tatiana's Tea!"

They all said their thank you's then came over. Undyne gave me a noogie.

"Look at that! You got yourself a cupcake that looks like you!"

"Shut up Undyne! (Y/N) was nice enough to make it for me!"

Undyne, Nightmare, Error, Cil, and Chara froze up. She noticed and threw her arms up, her black wings raising as well.

"What is up? Someone says (Y/N) and everyone acts like they screamed 'mannequin challenge'!"

I snickered, then couldn't stop the laughter coming from my mouth. The others quickly joined, laughter echoing all around the cafe. That's when I noticed (Y/N) had left. I got the last of my giggles out as did the others, and they sat down. Chara slammed a fist on the table.

"That girl is a riot!"

I chuckled, but felt a bit somber when saying,

"Reminds you of her, huh?"

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