What Does Poe Dameron Mean to the Resistance?

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Article by chicwriterchick
May 29, 2017

Released in the Vanity Fair coverage of the The Last Jedi set, we find that Carrie Fisher's General Organa slaps Oscar Isaac's Poe Dameron (the actress apparently with zeal).  D Isaac reported on Steven Colbert's talk show that:

"Actually a large amount of the stuff that I got to do was with Carrie, which was amazing. It was the first day of shooting was a scene with Carrie and it was still - y'know, often times that first day, filmmakers are trying to get the tone figured out - and I remember it was a scene where I come up to talk to her and she is very upset with me and slaps me. And Rian [Johnson] kept doing it over and over again and it ended up being 27 takes of Carrie just leaning in - and every time she hit a different spot on my face."

So it seems that, while Dameron leads a large role in the Resistance, Organa doesn't always like his judgement.

But because Isaac has also reported that he spends a lot of time with Organa, MoviePilot spun the idea that, in the place of the late Carrie Fisher, Dameron will take control of the Resistance.

It makes sense.

Dameron is black leader, the highest piloting position in the Resistance.  He's also a respected leader.  Even though there may be older officers with more seniority, he would be the best choice in General Organa's absence.

Plus, he's a main character, and they probably won't introduce another character just to lead the Resistance.

Unfortunately, we won't find out until Episode IX is in post production, in 2019, so there is much time to find out what will happen.

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