Ohama means Family

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I stood before Primus, and he only blinked, then disspeared. An outline of a firetruck, bouldozer, police car, and helicopter rescue bots running to the rescue, then dissapeared like Primus did. The same four rescue bots appeared behind a femme as she shouted at an older femme, 

"You will never seperate my from my family! Ohama means family, and family sticks together!"

Then all disspeared before me.

-Flashback end-

I woke up, startled I sat up, and clenched my helm. Those mechs, they seemed familiar, but who were they?? I grabbed my data pad, and searched rescue bots. Nothing appeared, but the words, There are no available rescue bots currently. I put my data pad back down, and got up.

-Time skip-

"Dux we need to send you under disguise to Griffin Rock."

Megatron said.

"Why would you need to send me there under disuise?"

I asked, raising an optic ridge.

"Optimus is there, and we need you there under disguise to lure him to us. We will tell you details later."

he replied, scanning me in a spray that makes me unrecognizable.

"Now, the spray will wear off in 24 hours, and you will not kill Optimus before I do, understood?"

he asked.

"Yes, I understand."

I replied.

"Good, now we have a groundbridge ready for you."

he said, dismissing me. I transformed and drove through the groundbridge. I found myself on a ferry on my way to Griffin Rock. My holoform stepped out, and put on her sunglasses. She hoppped on my hood, and watched the island get closer to her. Once the ferry stopped, she hopped in, and drove onto the island. I was stopped by an officer and my holoform rolled down my window, and lifted her sunglasses and said,

"May I help you?"

"Yes, this is a small island and I know everyone's car, are you new?"

he asked. The officer looked old and looked like he has had a good life, and still lives a good life. Four rescue vehicles sat behind him. A helicopter, a police car, a firetruck, and a bouldozer.

Firetruck pov

This human didn't look she was here to stay. She gave me an unsettling feeling. While Chief Burns talked with her, I commed Chase quietly.

"Hey Chase, this girl doesn't look harmless. What do you think?"

"Of course Heatwave, humans have the ability to protect themselves."

he commed back.

"No I mean she doesn't look like she can't be trusted."

I commed.

"Indeed she does not look trustful. I will tell Chief."

he commed.

Chief Burns walked back to Chase, and the female rolled up her window, glancing at us for a moment, then driving on.

Dux pov

I drove to a parking lot, and decided to comm Megatron. Once no humans were around, I transformed and commed him.

"Megatron sir, I am on Griffin Rock, awaiting instructions."

I commed.

"Good, instructions will be told tommorrow."

he commed back.


I commed, then transformed. My holoform hopped out, and grabbed a small pouch of money and said,

"Thankyou Miko for leaving your change in me."

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