So this is the rewrite of A Spark's Friend At The End. Own nothing but the story and my characters. A femme sparkling named Dux Scintilla, is the sparkling of a kind Tamarrud carrier and a Decepticon sire.
Time skip- Dux gained the responsibility of being the Guide of sparks, but cyber cycles later she went to earth to meet other cybertronians in need. Dux is now 20,000 cyber cycles old. Her and Optimus have not spoken since the fight.
A female with gray and white hair walks into a party, taking off her sunglasses to reveal bright teal eyes. She wore a sunflower crop top with a tank top underneath, and jean shorts.
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(Art by me!) She has no intention of partying at all, she came to make sure no one gets drunk or anything bad. These were 20 year olds, breaking the law. The female fit right in with the crowd of age. She sat at a higher view, to make sure she could see most of the party. A male with gray and blue hair walked in, who looked about 30 year old. He wore a gray top that was covered by a red and blue jacket, and jeans. The female was intreged by the man's eyes. They were a bright blue, as bright as hers. As soon as his bright blue eyes caught hers, the female's eyes darted away. Throught the night, she swapped liquid alcohol for apple juice, and drugs like dip with fun dip candy and bubble gum. The female checked her watch, 10:30p.m., most of the party was still there. Sighing, she snuck outside to stargaze. Little did she know she was being followed.
"Hm.. let's see.. oh there's the big dipper with the little dipper, there's Aries, there's Leo, Pegasus, and... Orion..."
she paused, then looked down regretfully. She never wanted it to happen. She could have still been friends with him.
"Romeo, Romeo oh where art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and reuse thy name, yada yada a rose will still smell sweet even if it was called something else yada yada."
she quoted to herself, making hand motions as if talking to an audience.
The gray and blue hair behind her paused then shook his head, thinking it was just another lost lover, but also thinking it to be her. He wanted to find out.
"What is your name ma'am?"
he asked.
The female froze, then said frantically,
"I'm so sorry officer, I was only here to make sure no one was doing drugs or anything."
The female turned around, then said,
"My apologies sir."
The male nodded, and asked again,
"What is your name ma'am? I am just curious."
"My name is Du-Daisy sir. And yours?"
she replied, hiding her real name.
"My name is Orion, and I heard my name when you called out the constellation Orion."
he replied, using his old name.
"Ah, pleased to meet you Orion."
she said. Orion nodded in return.
"I used to know someone who was named Orion, he was kind, loving, and like a big brother to me, unfortunately... we've grown apart."
she said sadly.
"Well what made you grow apart?"
he asked.
"I got tired of being told what to do, and I started an argument and once it ended, I walked away without an apology. I regret starting the fight. I wish I had never decided to be independent. Now I'm independent and alone. I never wanted to be alone."
Daisy replied, hugging herself.
"I got into a fight with my younger sister, like you with your brother. She refused to learn to fight, and I kept demending that she would learn, soon I got my emotions out of hand and I shouted at her. I regret it as well."
he said, looking at the ground.
"I guess we're not alone with regrets then,"
she paused and chuckled.
"but might I ask about your eyes sir? They intruig me"
she continued.
"Ah, yes I was about to ask the same about yours."
he replied.
"Shall I go first?"
he said. Daisy nodded.
"I am a Cybertronian from the planet Cybertron, and my real name is Optimus Prime."
he explained. Daisy's teal eyes widened, and thought it was him, no knew it was him.
"Well, then that answers your question, my name is Dux, and I'm sorry."
a/n DUN DUN DUNNN, will Optimus forgive his sister?! Stay tuned to find out!!