Orange may not be his color

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Optimus smiled, but then frowned at the sound of sirens in the distance.

"Scrap. Police. Let's get out of here."

Dux said. She jogged down the road, but then turned around. He did not follow.

"Optimus, let's go!"

she called, but he only stood, a deer in headlights. The police grabbed Optimus and arrested him, and another ran after Dux. Dux ran as fast as her heart beated. Her short gray and white hair fluttered behind her, flowing in the excitement. She glanced back, good, she lost the officer. Soon Dux realized that Optimus was still in jail. She drove to the police station, and her holoform walked into the building.

"I would like to see Orion Pax please."

she said to an officer at the front desk.

"Of course, follow me. Please release 126 for communications please"

she said, then walked down a hall. She opened the door for her, and Dux nodded in thanks. The officer nodded back. The officer closed the door and left. Dux looked around, a few people talking to their loved ones who are in jail. She spotted a chair, then sat in it. A man with brown hair walked in, and sat by his loved one. He cried, his loved one comforting him with words. Then a female walked in, and glared at a man who she sat by. She yelled and cursed the man by her, and the officers grabbed her. Dux hugged herself, this was not where Optimus was supposed to be. She sighed, then heard the door open. A man with blue and gray hair walked in, looking like he had been through some stuff. He looked like Optimus, been tougher, meaner. Shivers were sent down her spine, and she hugged herself harder. The man spotted Dux, and tears dotted his eyes. He sat by her, and picked up the phone, Dux did the same.


she asked, her voice fearfull. The man looked down at his lap and said,

"Hey Dux."

He sounded weary, and tired.

"Are you alright Optimus?"

she asked, almost crying.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you alright?"

he replied, looking up.

"I'm fine,"

she paused, then continued,

"I'm sorry Optimus, I shouldn't have let you be taken."

Optimus looked up at her, and said,

"No, I would rather be here then you be here."

Dux sighed, then smiled and said,

"You've always protected me throughout my years, until... nevermind."

she frowned when she remembered the memory. 

"Until when?"

he asked, concern in his bright blue eyes.


she said. He nodded, and said,

"We'll talk later."

"Alright. I'll get you out okay? Bye."

she said.

"Okay, bye."

he replied. They both left to their places.

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