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Jamison's P.O.V

After four more hours of walking and constantly checking behind me, I reached my grandmother's house. She lived in a house that reminded me off a cottage mixed with a cabin. She had two white rocking chairs set outside, I haven't been here in two years, not ever since I turned sixteen now I was eighteen. I still remembered how to get here though, and how if you step on the third step leading up to her porch you would fall through since she replaced it all the time with duct tape and never actually fixing it.

My grandmother was also the only one who knew my secret.... That I was gay. I wanted to tell my mom and friends but then I remembered how close minded everyone in that town was, and how half of the town was homophobic.

My grandma didn't give a shit though, she told me she didn't care and that love was love no matter who it was directed towards. As long as I was happy she didn't care. She still loved me. For that I love her more than anything, she also promised not to tell anyone which just made me love her more.

How did she find out I was gay?

Well she walked into my room one night when she was visiting our house without knocking and well she saw me jacking off because of a gay porn magazine. She put two and two together then of course I officially came out to her which she said just confirmed her suspicions.

I walked up to her door making sure to not step on the third step, I knocked on the door, after five minutes she opened the door. "Hi sweetie! How are you? Your mother told me you were coming by." She said,

"Yeah mom told me you weren't feeling good and asked me to bring you this." I said, motioning to the bag I held in my hand.

"I know thank you for coming all the way out here sweetie, now come inside I don't want you catching a cold like me." She said chuckling.

I stepped inside the house and went into the kitchen and set down the bag of goods on the counter. "Sweetie would you be a dear and put away those goods for me? I'm going to go sleep, you know where your room still is right? and you can watch TV if you want, oh one last thing if someone comes to the door come wake me up."

"Okay, thanks grams!" I called back to her,

After twenty minutes I finished putting away all the goods, I could hear my grandma's snores from all the way in the living room. I turned up the volume on the TV a little, but not enough to disturb her. After a while of watching my other favorite TV show pretty little liars, I started to doze off.

I don't know how long I was asleep, but I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. I groaned and got up from the couch, it was still dark outside so I knew not that much time had passed since I fell asleep. I remembered grandma saying someone might stop by, but I wonder who? My grandma had about two other neighbors and they all lived a mile distance away from eachother. I highly doubted it was either of those two.

I opened the door only to see no one outside, I furrowed my eyebrows and was going to go back inside, but curiosity got the best of me. I walked down the porch steps making sure again to watch out for the third step. I looked around and again didn't see anyone, I looked around for about ten more minutes before I decided to go back inside. I yawned and was starting to feel sleepy again.

I turned back around to walk back up the porch steps, but all of a sudden I heard a low, deep, growl come from behind me. I slowly turned around and was met with two stunning yellow eyes that seemed to glow. It was a wolf, but it was one of the most gorgeous wolfs I have ever seen. Not that I have seen many, but still.

The wolf slowly approached me which made me step back, earning another growl from it. I had no clue what to do, I knew this wolf was faster than me so running wasn't an option. I also knew just standing here wasn't going to help me either, I tried to find a branch or even a stick near me just to buy me some time to get away from this enormous wolf. But as my luck would have it nothing I could've been able to use to protect myself was in sight.

I focused my attention back to the wolf who was now a few feet closer to me, I flinched when the wolf lunged at me. It knocked me down to the ground, I closed my eyes and waited for the pain to come, but none ever came. Instead when I opened my eyes the wolf was towering over me, then he did something even stranger, he licked my face, and rubbed his head against my shoulder then he made a sound that was close to a... purr? I don't know a low howl? Do wolves even purr? I don't think this wolf wanted to hurt me because if he wanted to he would've already, right?

I petted it's fur and it was the softest thing I have ever felt, it's fur was a mix between brown and gray, and it's eyes were a gorgeous light yellowish gold color, in a way it's eyes reminded me of Kai's but that would be insane no way was this wolf Kai. I continued to pat it's fur, which only made the wolf curl up to me more, by this time the wolf had already licked my entire face.

The wolf then did something I thought was really strange, it put it's head were the crook of my neck was and bit me. The bite wasn't hard enough to break the skin but it still hurt."Ow!" I yelled pushing the wolf off of me, oddly enough the wolf looked a little hurt. It backed away from me a little which hurt me a little, I didn't want it to be scared of me, call it what you will but I felt a connection to the wolf. Before I had time to go back over to the wolf the porch light came on and my grandmother opened the front door.

"James is that you sweetie?" She called out to me. "Yeah it's me granny." I replied back to her. "Get your butt in the house you don't need to catch a cold!" She scolded me, "okay" I said, but when I turned back to look at the wolf it was gone, which for some reason made me sad, I didn't want it to leave me. I walked back into the house, "what in heavens were you doing out there?! Do you want to get sick like me?" She yelled at me, I understood her worry, but still it was annoying I'm already eighteen. I mumbled a sorry and went up to my room I collapsed on my bed and for the rest of the night, my dreams were plagued with images of that strange but beautiful wolf.

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