Chapter: 13

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Jamison's P.O.V

The next morning I woke up stiff, Kai had insisted on sharing the same small couch and I couldn't really refuse since I didn't want to sleep without him either. Still, I knew if I was stiff his neck was probably going to hurt like a bitch, I could only hope he wasn't going to be grumpy this morning since we had a lot to do today and a grumpy Kai was equal to disaster.

I groaned and tried to roll away from Kai but he had a steel grip on me and as soon as I tried to move his once peaceful expression turned sour, he furrowed his eyebrows and grumbled pulling me right back into his chest. I huffed and even though I thought his expression was adorable we really did need to get up if we wanted to get a head start on the day. I poked his cheek "Kai...Kai come on get up..." I continued trying to wake him up but all he did was shake his head and burrow his head into the pillow again I huffed, I laid there trying to figure out how to wake up Kai when an evil smile spread across my face.

He once told me his ears were very sensitive, I leaned down and lightly bit his earlobe. He groaned and tried to shake me off but I wouldn't quit, I bit a little harder and this time tugged at it as well. He yelped and sat straight up dragging me with him since he never released his iron grip on me. His eyes frantically searched the room trying to see if there was a threat, I chuckled at him and that was when his eyes looked down at me his glare slowly faded and a pout replaced it. "That wasn't very nice baby." He said still pouting at me, I giggled and leaned up to kiss him, I planted a small peck on the tip of his nose then I put a chaste kiss on his lips, pulling away before we got too carried away.

His pout dissapred and his beautiful golden eyes lit up once again, "Good morning babe." I whispered, a small grin overtook his face and he borrowed his face into my neck. "I love you." He mumbled into my neck I smiled, "I love you too Kai." I said with nothing but sincerity in my voice.

Our sweet moment was broken up by a throat clearing. "As sweet as all of this is, we need to get ready and I don't want you to start fucking on my couch." Claire said smirking, my faced turned crimson and I quickly buried my head into Kai's chest, he let out a chuckle and squeezed me tighter and kissed my head.

"Alright, c'mon lovebirds I made breakfast." Claire said after letting out her own laugh. I quickly detached myself from Kai and ran for to the kitchen, I didn't realize how hungry I was. I quickly fixed my plate, I had scrambled eggs, pancakes, and bacon with a glass of orange juice. I bit into a piece of bacon and moaned, it was so good! 

Kai soon joined me in the kitchen while Claire just made herself a cup of coffee, I finished my breakfast in record time, but waited until Kai and Claire were done to start planning our trip, if you could really even call it that I mean we were going to hell.

"Okay, lets begin packing and getting ready, we have still have about eight hours before I open the portal and that should be more than enough time to get you guys ready." Claire said, I nodded and Kai grunted. Claire then said she would be back and left the room to go get something, I turned to Kai and we sat in a peaceful silence until Kai broke it.

"Are you scared?" He asked me in a curious but still concerned tone, he moved his hand to hold my own, and I smiled at him, "No not really, I mean of course I'm nervous but I wouldn't say I'm scared, just more anxious." I answered, he nodded and didn't ask anything else, Claire came back after a few minutes with a medium sized beige box. She placed the box in front of me and told me to open it, I did and pulled out a gorgeous blood red cloak.

 "Jamison, as you already know,  you'll need to wear this when you go through the portal, it's enchanted with angel dust, it allows any human to pass into hell without loosing their mind or soul. This is very important and make sure to keep it on at all times the longest you could go without it is an hour which is still lucky because a normal human could only last fifteen minutes before going completely insane or getting their soul eaten by Lucifer himself." Claire said, I shakily nodded, I convinced myself that everything would be okay, I had Kai and Claire on my side.

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