Fine (Poem 2)

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Sorry i'm writing so any poems RN, But this ones inspired by buckysprintesa
This story is very special to me, but I think you guys should know this story cause it's a big part of my life.
DM me if you need to talk to someone!


I'm Fine.
These words scar my ears
A friend...
16 at the time
"Are you okay?"
"I'm Fine"
The next day she killed herself.
I won't get into specifics.
But I miss her so much...
She was all I had left
I can't listen to the song above,
It reminds me of her, our story
I loved her
You could even say I wanted to marry her
And she DIED!
Cause she wouldn't let me help her
"I'm Fine" *PEW*
*ring ring* *ring ring* Amanda?
The next day at school I couldn't work
I ran.
I was scared
"I'm Fine." I told my mum
"No you're not!" She said, those are the words I should've told her...
"You're right, Mum... Amanda Killed herself"
that night we ate tubs of ice cream and watched Disney movies.
I feel her with me at times
I know she still loves me
And I know I'll see her again
But the word Fine still hurts, every. Time.
She was so beautiful
Long curly brown hair
Blue eyes
She was so funny
So tall
And I want nothing more than another hug from her...
You're not Fine!

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