Chapter Twelve

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"Hey, Ted, it's Robin. Um... I accidentally broke Ellie's nose. She says she's fine, but, um... what do you think I should do? Marshall and Lily both say I should take her to the hospital, but I think that's a bit over dramatic, don't you? I knew you'd agree with me. Thanks.  Call me back when you get the chance!"
I stared at the phone after listening to Robin's message, stunned. It took me a moment to realize that I needed to call her back immediately. I did so, breathing way too fast as I waited for her to pick up. Once I heard the click, it took all my willpower not to scream.
"How the hell did you break her nose, Robin?" I hissed. "And go to the hospital, now!"
"Relax, Marshall and Lily already convinced me. We're sitting in the emergency room right now. Say hi to Uncle Ted, Ellie."
"Hi, Ted," Ellie greeted me dutifully, her voice whiny and nasally because, oh, yeah, her nose was broken!
"Hi, Ellie," I responded, moving into the kitchen to pour myself a drink. I pulled a shot glass off the shelf. "Will you put Aunt Robin back on?"
"Yes, sir," she answered. I couldn't tell if she was trying to be funny or not, her voice was too congested.
"She's fine, really," Robin (tried to) assure me when she was once again in possession of the phone. "She's trying to stop the bleeding. She told me it stopped hurting a while ago."
I poured whiskey into the glass and knocked it back, barely wincing before pouring another shot. "I repeat: how did you break the poor kid's nose?"
"We were playing hockey," she replied nonchalantly, as if this were obvious. "Things went a bit... awry."
I drank the second shot in a single gulp, giving myself time to process her answer. "And you were playing hockey because...?"
"It was Marshall and Lily's idea."
I didn't see that coming.
"They wanted me to bond with Ellie," Robin continued, "and since she's part Canadian, they thought she might like playing hockey with me."
"Robin, you do realize you have to go easy on kids when it comes to that stuff, right?" I posed the question, already knowing her answer.
"She told me she didn't want to go easy on her," Robin protested.
"Well, of course she said that!" She's Barney's kid. "Kids want to think they beat you fair and square."
"Well, now I know," Robin responded calmly. "Wait, hold on..." I heard her put her hand over the receiver. "They're calling Ellie in. I should go now."
"Wait, Robin-"

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