Finding it

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I push my soft white hair behind my ear. I sigh, the trail is cold. I bite my lip, running my tongue over them. I know that it's somewhere in here. I stare at the newspapers and read each line of text over and over. I feel a hand on my back and I turn around. My hand pushes all the clips away from me. "Oh it's you." My shoulders relax and I  allow myself to smile for the first time in ages. He stands before me smiling. Short thick green and brown hair, a smile that sticks with you,  a lean build always relaxed never on guard, and finally skin as pale as paper. I've seem to have fallen for this dude.

"You ok Dakota?" I nod pushing my papers under my table with my foot. I nod and walk up to him. I  place my hands on his chest. I take them away and wrap them around him. I give him a soft kiss on the cheek and I  feel his hands on my back.

" I'm fine now that you're here" I whisper softly laying my face on his chest. I hear his laugh. The corners of my mouth tug into a smile. His laugh is like a warm snuggly blanket, on a cold winter day. I nuzzle my face into his shirt.

"Woah there" I giggle softly, as he lets go of me. He runs his fingers through my hair and kisses me softly on the lips. I taste a small metallic flavor with the kiss. He smiles again but this time fangs are visible. 

I wake up in cold sweat. My hand reaches to the space next to me instictively and I feel the soft fur of my teddy bear next to me. I swallow back bile when I taste metal on my lips. I run my finger over my lips. I stare at it in the pale moonlight. Blood red, once again it's visited me. I push off my blankets and stand. My feet make small pitter patters on the cold stone floor. I walk into my bathroom and turn on the light.

My lips are smeared with red, almost as if someone had kissed me over and over. The smears make it look as though they wanted to do a bit more then kiss but i know I would have woken up if they had tried. I swallow again and turn on my water. I dip a towel in the warm water and wipe away the bloody streaks. 

Tears well up in my eyes. They cascade down my face in warm salty streaks. I know I'm so close to finding who does this to me. I swear that I will find them.  I wipe away the last of the blood and I walk down the steps to my lab. The lab more like a crime lab has a cork board covered with scraps of newspapers and crime reports. I sit down on my office chair and push myself to my desk. I push away all the papers on my desk and whip out my computer. I turn it on and click in my shortcut to crime records. I type in my password and I click into recents. A million pages come up about bodies being found drained of blood. None of them are close to where live. Suddenly one last page pops up.

Woman found dead in bed. Two bit marks in her neck. Witnesses say they saw her at a bar and she left with an unknown man. Cameras show no one. The victim's name was Victoria Lailay. She was taken into forensic lab for evolution but, no body was found. Only a body bag zipped down the middle. 

I raise my eyebrow, did someone take the body or did the body leave by itself

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I raise my eyebrow, did someone take the body or did the body leave by itself. I rub my hand on my neck, still smooth no bite marks.  l know I'm biding my time soon there will be bite marks. I know if I find whoever is responsible I'll be able to run tests, and never let the bloody kiss ever happen again. I sigh and  lean back in my chair. 

I get an idea and sit up suddenly. I run up stairs and right into my bathroom. I grab the washcloth I used to clean my lips. I run down the stairs and past my crime lab into my real lab. I wring out the bloody parts into a test tube and begin to run tests. I get the DNA results and print them out. I stare at them for a long while, the sample is mixed. I go to my printer and sign in to national security files of people. I search up victoria Lailay and get her DNA printed out. Then I print out my own. I wheel my chair over to my printer and pick up the pages. I place all of them under a floresent light. I notice strings of my DNA first. I mark it off as just spit, I stare at it longer and notice the same patterns as the DNA of Victoria. I mark it down as her blood. But that still doesn't match up. There's a third strand in the middle of the two.

I stare at it and let out an exasperated growl. I begin to refine my search with the DNA intill the only strand left is the DNA of my admirer. I crack a small smile, its kinda funny to think of it like that. The person might hate me and  wait for me to find them so they can dispose of me quietly. I send the strand of DNA into my computer and wait for it to find a match.  I get out of my chair and walk over to my CD player. I push in a CD filled with all my favorite songs, the first song to pop on is Party by myself by hollywood undead. I smile and rap along with the lyrics. 

I almost don't hear the bing on my computer while I dance and sing. I press pause and waltz over to the computer. I stare down at the screen biting my lip hard. I feel a tingling sensation in my heart as I read the profile of the person with the matched DNA.\

 Ethan Marklet. Last seen 5 years ago at Millard  college of the arts. Presumed dead but, no body found. Distinct features include scar running down arm, sharp teeth, and a tattoo of lips on hand. I feel my hand twitch as I click on criminal records. One word appears on the page, Empty. I sigh and click out of the page. I scan the rest of his bio again and the only thing that catches my eye is his description. I read it out.

Short green and brown hair with a side cut. Lean but strong. Hazel green  eyes that twinkle. Pale white skin. A little bit of a beard. A smile as wide as a mile. Last seen in blue shirt with black jeans. If seen please contact....

I stop reading. I blink rapidly over and over. I reread the bio again but it reads the same.  I close my eyes and i feel tears of joy slowly brim in my eyes. I hold back a loud yell of thank god. But a smile creeps across my lips. I'm about to find him. The man with the kiss of death. The bloody kiss. The man who stalks through my dreams. I almost can't fathom it. I begin to breath heavily. I shakely push my mouse over to the picture and click it. A loading screen pops up. Odd it never does this. I tilt my head. Suddenly the picture loads up and I see him. I take a deep breath. 

He has thick green hair shaved on one side and long on the other. His eyes are a light hazel. He smiles happily in the picture. He has his arm wrapped around a boy with short red curly hair. The boy with the red hair has a smile. They both look around 17. Each boy is clutching what looks like a diploma in one hand. They both have graduation caps on there head.

I swallow hard as I see him. I know that smile.   I hear a noise upstairs. My eyes widen. Is it possible that he's here?

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