introduction to Noah

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After what seems like hours they both stop and stand back to admire their work. I blink and look up at them. My eyes seem weighted down by the amount of eye product they applied to my eyes. Lola smiles like she just cured cancer while Lizzie is jumping up and down. Lola reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small mirror. Lizzie gasps and grabs it from her hand. "These are outlawed! Your gonna get in so much trouble!" Lola's smile disappears from her face. Her bottom lip begins to quiver. 

"Please! This may be the last time she's able to to see her own face!" Lizzie looks to the side thoughtfully. She sighs and holds out the pocket mirror. She opens it up and I gasp. I look nothing like my former self. Half of my head has been almost entirely shaved and the other half has been carefully curled into a bad ass hair style. My eyes are covered in red. My eyelashes have been covered in a dark red mascara. My eyelids have been covered in red eye shadow, while the eyeliner is a dark black it wings up to the side.

My lips are dark blue with a delicate shine I think is lip gloss.  My cheeks are covered in a very light blush while they rest of my face has been covered in a pale foundation. My eyebrows are more arched and defined. I blink and smile wide. I look amazing. I hold up my hand and look at the hearts painted over black on my nails. "Thank you both, so so much! I love the makeup and the hair so so much.'' They both hug me back tightly. A grin almost a foot long remains on Lola's face. While Lizzie has a small smile.  

"You look dashing dear. Absolutely magnificent." She flashes a real smile and her teeth are as white as a polar bears fur. Lizzie blows a kiss at me before leaving the room to tell the other's that they finished. Lola hugs me again tightly and smiles.

"You look so pretty! All the boys are gonna fall at your feet!" I smile and get one last good look at her. She looks like she belongs in a carnival and I love her for it. "Hopefully we'll see each other again...If we do call me Smiley okie?" I nod and watch her as she skips out the door.  I suck in a deep breath. All the sunshine and rainbows aside I'm about to become a monster. I want to cry but it'll ruin all their hard work. 

I hear a soft knocking at the door and I walk over to it slowly. I open up the door with a very fake smile on my face. Nick stands there with a small charm in his hand. He holds it out and I  take it from his hand. I hold it up for a better look. The charm is shaped like a bat. I flip it over and read what it says on the back. 'Impurity Flock'. I place the charm in the pocket of my dress. 

He silently holds out his hand and I take it. He pulls me out of the room and through the hallway down into the huge square. I gasp when I see the red roses every where. Bunches of roses are on every wall. They cover an arch in the middle of the square. A long black rug is placed in between around 100-200 chairs. Each chair has a person in it. My eyes survey the area. Nick leads me on the carpet.

He lets me go and pushes me a little to tell me to keep walking. The square is full of deafening noise. Yells, Screams, cheers. I close my eyes and try to will them to stop. The noise continues and I suck in a deep breath. I open my eyes and continue to walk. My legs feel like jello but I force them to move.

I finally make it to the arch where the two creators stand. As soon as Claudine begin to speak the crowd hushes to create a hypnotizing silence. I look up at her. Clutched in Claudine's hands is a small wine glass. Inside is a thick dark red substance. She turns to the crowd. "Sons, Daughters, look upon this girl as one of our own. She was created by Ethan but, she is part of us." Claudine turns to me and holds out the glass. "Drink." I nod and grab the glass. I lift it up to my mouth. 

This is it. You'll become one of the monsters. You'll be just another blood sucker, living on the suffering of others. A lone tear slides down my face as I take a sip sealing my fate. Claudine smiles, her fangs gleam in the light of the candles.  She turns me to look at the crowd. She bends down and whispers in my ear. "Welcome to the Flock."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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