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     We drove into the city to the orphanage. Andrew parked behind the orphanage, so I could sneak in through the back. Andrew went up to the front to distract Ms. Brady and Ms. Fields, as I climbed over the all to familiar chain link fence.
     The window to my use to be room was open. I climbed in and saw that things have not changed at all. My bed was still how I left it and Brayden was still sleeping on the blow up mattress across from it. The note saying that his brother passed away was on  his pillow, looking as if it belonged there.
     I stare at the note that crushed Brayden. I can't help but wonder how he's doing, even though I know I'll find out within the next 20 minutes.
     I look on the other side of the blow up mattress to find a suitcase, filled with his clothes. My breath became heavy. He got-
     "Jack?" I hear the familiar voice ask.
      I turn around to see a boy. A familiar, yet unfamiliar boy. His shoulders were hunched over slightly and his once vibrant blue eyes, were dull and sunken.
     "What are you doing here?" He asked. I could almost hear the happiness in his voice, but he sounded like he hadn't slept in days.
     "I came to get my records. Well, my brother is getting my records." I explained softly.
     He nodded his head once and walked pass me to sit on his bed.
     "Did you get adopted?" I ask him.
      "Nope. My mother went to rehab, so now she wants custody over me. It's going to suck. She has no money, sleeps  with strangers, hoping they'll pay her, and from her looks and smell, is still on drugs." Brayden explains with a drained voice. "But to keep it simple, yes."
     "I'm so sorry, if I could do anything to help then-" I start to say, still confused on what to say.
      "You can't do anything. Nobody can." He said staring at his fingers.
     I hated seeing him like this. I missed the old Brayden that saw me as who I was not who I put up to be.
     "What if you came with me," I blurt out. I don't know why I said that. That would just make problems worse. Andrew would then be in charge of two wanted kids.
     "I can't put you or your brother through that. But thanks." He said without hesitation.
      "No, really. My brother lived far enough away from here. I don't want you to live your mother, especially if she's going to be sleeping with other men." I say still unsure of my words.
     I saw Brayden pondering on the thought. That is until he said,"It's to risky."
     I stood there, back in my state of not knowing what to do. I couldn't just leave him.
     "What if it was a temporary thing? Like, hotel. I mean your going to be 18 next year, so your leaving here anyways." I say. I wasn't going to make the mistake of leaving him again.
      "Alright." He decides. A smile slowly crawls onto his face. "Your a good person, you know."
     "Your wrong. I'm just a person that does the right thing." I say to him. I hear a small honk of a car and see Andrew waiting, with my records in hand.
     Brayden zips up his suitcase and we start to climb out the window.
     "Wait does your brother know?" He asks.
     "No, but it'll work itself out," I say to not only reassure him, but myself.
     I got into the passenger seat and Brayden got in behind me.
     "What's going on?" Andrew asks with slight anger.
     "He needs a place to stay for the rest of the year, and he doesn't want to live with his drugged up mother." I explain.
     "My apartment isn't a hotel," Andrew said now angry.
     "Trust me, I won't be welcoming other guests. He won't be a problem," I say fastening my seat belt.
     Andrew looks in his rear view mirror at Brayden.
     "Who are you?" He asks.
     Brayden looks up in the mirror. "Brayden. I'm 17. And you won't even know that I'm there. I'll sleep on the floor for all I care, but if it's any problem for you, I could go back and stay with my mother." He explained as his eyes got slightly darker.
     "It's not a problem, you can stay," I say, eyeing Andrew.
     "Whatever," he sighed. "But your sleeping on the couch."
     "That's perfectly fine," he stated. "I'm used to it anyways," he then added looking at me. I flash him a small smile, but big enough to show off my one dimple.
     I felt like a little kid. Asking their mom or dad for a friend to sleep over at their house, except this would technically be considered illegal, it was as close to normality as I have gotten.
     I look in the mirror and see Brayden staring out of his window. With his vibrant blue eyes of course.

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