I climbed a small hill and looked from the top, quickly realising why the cave was warm, There was nothing for miles in any direction. I had to sit down atop this hill as the vastness of the world was overwhelming there is nothing but sand. This must be what people before the war used to call a desert.. It took me a few minutes to compose myself before i was able to set off again.
I took a quick look at my Pipboy and noticed the Vault i was looking for was a few days travel to the east, So i checked my compass and set off. I knew i had enough water to survive but if i didn't find something i could eat in the first couple of days i was going to have some trouble keeping my strength up. I had been walking for around 36 hours by now, the heat is scorching, the sand is too hot to touch. I'm lucky I have my working boots on that have steel plated soles or else my shoes would have melted by now. I took a quick pit stop to drink some water and take a quick look at where my Pipboy said i was, Apparently i'm about a third of the way to the vault. I looked up and i could see what appeared to be a settlement on the horizon,
My heart skipped a little beat at the thought of civilization, This means that more people could be allowed out of the vault as there may be things we can learn and commodities we could trade for that people haven't seen or believed existed for years. But just as quick as that thought was in my head it was over taken by the thought that they may not be friendly, This may actually be my first and last encounter with the outside world. So i set off towards the settlement. Keeping a close eye on my surrounding for any threats lurking to surprise me as a lone traveler.
A couple of hours later i got close enough to the settlement to see it was guarded by two people at the gate and there was a large high wall surrounding the settlement. I slowly edged my way closer and pulled out my 10mm pistol for safety, I slowly crept up behind a rock that was just out of sight of the guard with a gun. I didn't know if i shout shoot first and ask questions later, Or take a chance and try talking my way into working out if these people were any threat to me. I sat behind this rock for a good few minutes debating what my plan of action should be. I eventually came to the conclusion that i would approach directly from the front, but with my weapon drawn, That way they could see that i wasn't completely unarmed but i wasn't willing to shoot first. I stood up and worked my way around so i was directly in front of the settlement and started walking.
Instantly the guard with a gun perked up and started looking me up and down, He quickly spotted the gun and raised his, what looks like a rifle, and pointed it at me, To which i raised my hands and let my pistol fall round the finger i had on the trigger i hoped that if i showed i was no threat he wouldn't shoot, it occurred to me that he would have probably shot already if he was an initial threat.
i shouted "I don't have anything of value, and i'm not here to cause trouble".
The man kept his gun on me, he shouted back "Holster the weapon and maybe we'll talk".
So i slowly opened my holster and replaced my pistol back in and clipped it shut, I looked back at him and shouted "Am i okay to approach?"
The man nodded and motioned with his weapon to keep moving, I slowly and calmly walked my way towards him until what was now obviously a rifle was practically stabbing me in the chest,
"I'm not here to attack, I'm trying to help my people survive" I said calmly.
He slowly lowered his rifle and started to relax "I'm sorry about that son, We've had a few raids this week, You can never be too sure these days, Welcome to Shady Sands, It's not much but it's home." His hoarse but experience voice said
"i understand, No harm done, I'm looking for something we call a "Water Chip", It's about this big (as i motion with my hands to show how big) and green with a light bulb attached to one corner, Have you seen one or know what i can find one?".