I wish I knew

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I wish I knew what you would think. I wish I knew what I meant. If only I could tell you, without you leaving me. My pent up emotions never seem to leave. My broken heart can't be mended you see. I only wish I knew what would happen if I told you what I felt. The words I only want to say. Maybe you would stay. If only you knew , if only I knew as well. You are too good for me , you are too good of a friend to me . A friend I don't deserve, cause I'm awful can't you see , I always lie. You may never know why, but maybe I will get the courage to tell you one day. This world has shown cruel twisted ways , I've seen too much heart break , experienced it to. But I have never experienced pain with you. You are too good to me , I don't know why , but I wish I did. If only everyone knew ,life would be better for me. It would easier to. If only they knew. If only I knew better when I was younger. If I only I was boulder. But I'm weak and I can't speak my mind when I need to. Life is a confusing thing especially when trying to find yourself and your place in the world. It's too confusing for me. I hope it doesn't confuse you. People go on and leave all the time , but you haven't yet. You have stayed through thick and thin. I'm glad we're friends. I care I really do.i know you care to.

A.N: I know I was repeating a lot but I'm just going through things and it's confusing. And I know this didn't make much sense. But I think it sounds good

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