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So life is a mess I think everyone can agree.
But I would like to tell you a bit of mine. So I started off with being a tiny little baby like everyone. But that's not really interesting so let's get into third grade. I had always been an excited child and annoying as some would say. As I was growing up I was the youngest girl in my family at least  on my dads side. On my moms side I was the second and fourth youngest girl. On my grandfather's  side I was the fourth but on my grandmother's side I was second after me there was my cousin Leah. I never really like my grandfather's side except for a few people. As for my grandmother's side well they're are awesome. Every time I see them which isn't often we are all over the place we don't need anything to have fun just talking is enough to have fun with them. Well back to school, ok so at school I had a few friends minus the fakes. There I had Ashleigh and well that's pretty much it my other friends moved on and stopped talking to me. But that didn't matter until well third grade. In second I was teased a little for always being hyper. But in third grade well bullying started it bothered me a lot to because I had never experienced stuff like this. Skip the grades in between and suddenly the summer before I go to sixth grade my parents asked if I wanted to move schools because the bullying had gotten really bad. So the new school year I got to go to a whole new place. Sure I had passed while going places but I had never been inside. So I go to this new school and it's great despite me have trust issues and being teased a bit and always made to look like the bad guy. Then there is seventh grade and I was really excited cause that is the year I got to go to D.C. Well in sixth grade I had a YouTube and that was horrible because I got "in trouble" with the school. In reality I had done nothing. All I did was make a video about a hate video I got and stuff. So yeah video stuff in sixth grade was supposed to be all said and done and well it wasn't according to one of the girls in my class apparently. So yeah back to seventh grade that was a great year except for a few teasing here and there and few emotional breakdowns. Eighth grade is where I am now and it's been a great year there is no teasing except out of school where it's actually bullying. So in the beginning of the year I got a boyfriend for a month and yeah he broke up with me. Then I got another one a month after cause well I moved on. But he ended up cheating on me so I don't count the second one. While dating the second boy I met a friend and we started dating after I found out the other one was cheating. We are still dating and it's been two months or so and it's been great and I love him.That's some of my life so far. Kinda of strange and stuff but whatever. Also during my summer before seventh grade I met my best friend Nate who I might make a dare book with so tell me if you want to see that . My life has been eventful even more then I put in here. I know I jumped around a bit but that's how my mind is and it may not be a great story but I needed something to put in here and this is all I could come up with. Thank you for reading. Bye

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