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(This chapter have harsh violence and rough language, if you are a young viewer or a person that cannot deal with stuff with this, please read something else. As I said, this story might be really clichè or really violent, or really happy, and it might end up in a bad ending I'm not sure)

I was sitting on my bed of embarrasment. It was weird. I don't know what just happened. Weird.

I went downstairs, only to see that I was alone. I sighed. I looked out of the window, and I saw the seven sitting there on the grass, doing nothing. I smiled happily and walked out to there.
"What are you guys doing outside here?", I asked as I looked at their backs.
"WAIT Y/N RUN AWAY FROM THERE!!!", I heard a voice from my right. I  looked there and saw the Seven princes incaged in a sphere. I looked infront of me. Now to see only one person in a black cloak grinning at me.
"What in the he-", was the last thing I said until he threws me in a black bag. 
"Y/N", I heard alot of times. I screamed for help until I fell asleep.

I woke up in a chair, I tried to move, but I was strongly attached to the chair with ropes.
"Hello little mortal", the person infront of me said. He took of his cloak. The person was dressed in a black shirt, red tie and black jeans.
"I'm a demon, I'm Mark Tuan", he said.
(Yes plot twist Got7 and BTS is now enemies in this fanfiction)
I don't seem to care, do I?", I replied.
"Thats one of a attitude for a girl attached to chair, and could get killed anytime soon", Mark said. "But don't worry, I won't kill you, the princes would kill all the demons in that case", he continued.
"Where are they?", I asked.
"Don't worry, they are free and are probably looking for you right now", Mark said.
"Set me free too", I said.
"Nah, I need to do some damage before I do that", Mark said and grabbed a knife.
"W-what a-are you gonna do?", I stuttered and looked at the knife. "Some damage", he replied and smirked.

Mark pointed the knife towards my bare skin at my leg. 
"Are you ready?", he said as he looked up at me, smirking. I didn't say anything, I just closed my eyes. I could feel the cold knife against my skin. I felt how he cut my skin, exactly 10 times. I screamed out of pain. Tears were flooding down on my cheeks.
"Now that was 10, now it's time for 10 at the other", Mark said as he pointed the knife towards my other leg.
"..Please... Stop", I said in between my sobs and tears.
"Hmm.. If you tell me how I can get to your world", Mark replied and just held the knife still.
"I.. I don't know", I repled. If only I knew. But would I sacriface my world for my death? Probably not.
"Well then thats,'s that then", Mark said. He put the knife against my skin and cut 10 times at that leg as well. I screamed and cried.

Later when I heard that Mark left the room. I opened my eyes and looked down at my legs. They were just a bloody mess. Tears escaped my eyes and fell down on the cuts, which hurted more and made me scream.
"It's gonna be okay Y/n, we are gonna save you", I heard a voice in my head.
"Namjoon?", I said. But the voice didn't come back. All that came back was Mark from the door.

"Don't scream", Mark said.
"Please kill me, please hit me", I said as I cried from all the pain.
"I wont kill you, I need to know how you enter the other world", Mark replied.
"THERE IS NO SUCH WAY", I screamed at him.
"Shut up I said", Mark said as he hit me in the stomach. I coughed a little as I needed air.
"I know there is a way, since you came here", Mark said and looked at me in the eyes.
"I DON'T KNOW HOW I CAME HERE", I screamed once again.
"SHUT UP YOU BITCH", Mark said and punched me in the face.

I spit up blood and cried more. "Stop whining or I will hit you once again", Mark said angrily. I held my breath so I could try not to sob.  But little did I know I would fell asleep from exhaustion.

[Further chapters will include violence like this as well, please read by your own. If you are sensitive I suggest not to read more]

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