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After Wayne left . Drake walk upstairs to Toni's Room . I was about to walk in the kitchen . Until I heard Drake running down .

Drake~ NICKI ..CALL 911 *yells*

Nicki~ Why ?

Drake~ CAUSE TONI IS HURT *yells*

I hurry and pick up the phone and call 911 . After that the ambulance came and run her in the truck . Me and Drake went and drive with them . I seen her and I seen how her stomach was badly cut .her stomach has like 3 Big deep cuts . I seen it was real deep . I kept wondering how she get the cut . Last time she got a cut . She said I don't know how I got the cut . Now , She has another . I hope nothing bad is happening to her .


We is at the hospital . We are waiting for the doctor to call us .


Drake&Nicki~ THAT US *we quickly walk up and follow the doctor*

When we follow the doctor . Drake start to get nervous and I did too . The doctor open the door and walk in the room . I seen her with a gas mask on and she had plugs on her chest . I seen a needle in her arm . I just cover my mouth in shock .

Doctor~ Well Ms. Maraj and Mr. Graham ...Your daughter have real deep cuts . We had to put stitches on her stomach and we put a bandage around it ..and I think you need to keep a close eye on her .Cause the cuts look like a knife cut her . Just put some ointment on her wombs and take these pills ...*give me the pills* Oh and she might not gonna wanna eat.. so you gonna have make her eat. 

Mr. Graham~ can we take her home Now

doctor~ Yeah sure just sign these papers *give him the paper*

After drake sign them . The doctor give us Toni . She was sleep cause she had on that gas mask . So we drive home .When we got there we put Toni in her bed . Then walk back downstairs and I got 2 glasses of wine and give one to drake . We sat down drank it .

Drake~ Nicki do you know what happen ..when I was gone ?

Nicki~ yeah  ..When I walk upstairs to check on her She was crying and i said what wrong and then she just said I am Never gonna see my daddy am I

Drake~ Awww I wish I there ....anyway why Wayne was here ?

Nicki~ Cause I needed a friend

Drake~ Oh ...*mumbles* i hope yall then do nothing

Nicki~Whats was that

Drake~ Nothing

*ring* (my phone ring)

I pick up my phone . Then seen its was Wayne . I wonder why he calling me .


Wayne~ Hey .....Nicki

Nicki~ Yes

Wayne~ I was wondering if you didn't have nothing to do ..Do you want to go out

Nicki~ Yes sure what time

Wayne~ um 8:30

Nicki~ ok , bye

Wayne~ Ok bye love yo-

Wayne~ sorry

Nicki~ Its ok I love you too bye

Wayne~ bye


Drake~ Who was that ?

Nicki~ Wayne *stands up*

drake~ Where are you going ?

Nicki~ Oh me and Wayne is going out

Drake~ WHAT ....HELL NAW

I LOVE MY BABY'S DADDYS ( NICKI MINAJ LOVE STORY )Where stories live. Discover now