(Mari/LB) Part 8: Ladybug and Chat Noir "Gratification (Half) Week"

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Marinette/Ladybug's P.O.V.

I woke up kinda early the next morning, nervous about patrol tonight. I couldn't believe that we were going to give a Miraculous to Lila. I was okay with giving one to Nathaniel, he seemed like he'd be a good Fox Miraculous holder, though he might still be into me... I hope he doesn't use the Miraculous for selfish purposes.....

"Marinette! Get out old bed early for once while you're already up!" Tikki protested as I looked at the clock.

"Oh sweet! I have like, 3 hours! How'd I wake up so early...?!" I said excitedly and quickly got dressed. Or, tried to, more like it...

"Oh no! Tikki!" I called to her worriedly, holding up my normal clothes, "I forgot to have these washed yesterday!"

"Oh?" Tikki asked coyly, gliding to my desk and snatching my usual hair ribbons, "Well that's a shame! I guess you'll have to try a new look for today!" As she quickly darted away with my ribbons as I felt my hair.

"Tikki! Did you take my hair out of the ribbons?!" I questioned, a little nervous.

"Maybe..." she giggled and flew into my purse after safely hiding  the ribbons. I sighed as I quickly designed something simple and sewed it together. It was half Chat Noir and half Ladybug, so that people wouldn't be suspicious.

(Similar to pic above^ I know that it actually probably sucks, but I put hard work into it so don't hate too much)

I threw that on along with some black capris and silver 1-inch heeled boots that Alya and Lila insisted on buying for me during our shopping trip yesterday and checked the time.

"Tikki! I'm gonna be late let's go!" I yelled and brushed my teeth and hair then ran downstairs, grabbing my lunch and saying bye to my parents.

I got to school a minute after the bell rang and slipped into class, trying to go unnoticed, but the 'oooohhs' and 'aaaahhs' caught the attention of the teacher, who turned around to yell at me but stood, clearly impressed with my outfit.

"Marinette," the teacher started as she gestured for me to take a seat, "did you create your outfit this morning or was in hanging in your closet or on a mannequin?"

"This morning," I replied, blushing, "I accidentally woke up 3 hours early and noticed my usual clothes were dirty, so I panicked and did something that soothes me: sewing. Naturally, one thing led to another then there was this dress."

"And your hair?" Rose asked, seeming genuinely curious. I felt my apparently rather wavy hair self-consciously and tried to hide my face, "My hair ties came out while I was sleeping."

Adrien chose that moment to walk into class, but everyone was paying so much attention to me that they didn't notice Adrien, who's jaw dropped the moment he saw my new outfit. I turned into a blushing mess and tried to avoid his gaze.

"Girl you should wear stuff like this more often!" Exclaimed Alya as the rest of the class agreed, the guys checking her out. Adrien seemed annoyed by that and that just made me blush harder.

"Yeah!" Alex commented, punching her fist in the air, "It looks totally rad! Especially the Chat side!"

"Ok class," the teacher said after a little while, "I have a proposal, how about, since it's Tuesday, the rest of the week can be spent as Ladybug and Chat Noir themed, as a show of thanks to our city's wonderful protectors, and to Marinette's fine craftsmanship. Your participation will count as 10% of your total grade for the school year. Marinette, of course, is excused from this assignment and will get full credit if no one wants her to make outfits for them. Class dismissed for an all day study hall that must stay on school grounds unless you have specific permission from a teacher. I'll go alert Mr. Damocles of the situation."

The moment she left the room I was swarmed by my classmates, except, of course, Chloe and Sabrina, asking me to make them outfits for the next three days. I agreed to go one at a time and discussed designs with people and took measurements. Nathaniel stuttered during his turn while I managed to not stutter around Adrien while we discussed his outfits. Alya hi-fived me when I was done with Adrien. When I was done I had Nathaniel come over to discuss colors and details on the outfits.

When the school day was finally over Nathaniel helped me carry everything to my house.

"Thanks for the help Nathaniel!" I thanked cheerfully.

"N-no problem M-Marinette." He responded blushing.

"Would you mind helping me with sewing the ones for tomorrow? You can come back tomorrow to help me finish the outfits for Thursday and Friday, do you mind?" I asked politely. Nathaniel looked like he was going to faint.

"Hey are you ok?" I asked nervously as we walked up to my room.

"Y-yeah," he responded shyly, "I'm fine and I can definitely come over tomorrow!"

"That's great! Now let's get to work!" I responded and we quickly dove in, discussing types of colors and shapes to use. Once we got into talking about fabrics I got surprised and raised my eyebrows.

"You know about fabrics too?" I asked, clapping my hands excitedly. He blushed and nodded, "My great-aunt owns a fairly big fashion company in Italy and America and basically where Gabriel Agreste isn't. It's called Creative Flames, or Floating Flames, depending on where exactly you live and who you talk to, you may have heard of it."

(Not a real brand (I don't think) I repeat, not. A. Real. Brand. If you have a better idea for the name, PUH-LEASE TELL ME!)

"Of course!" I responded excitedly, "That's where I got the inspiration of my hybrid dress!" I said, gesturing down to my new outfit. He nodded.

"Let's get back to work!" I said and we (duh) got back to work.

Around 5:00 p.m. I suggested he go home since all I had left was my outfit.

"See you tomorrow Mari!" He said blushing and waving.

"Bye Nathaniel!" I responded and took a nap before patrol.

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