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Aliah's pov

"Aliah!" My mother called from the kitchen which was in the same room as I was. We had a very small apartment with only 2 room which includes a living room with a small chair and 3 thin dirty mattresses for me mama papa and Daliah with a sheet covering it and no pillow with a clothes line close to the ceiling to hang wet clothes. The kitchen was attached to the living room and had a small crappy fridge with a stove top and no oven with brown counters that used to be white. lastly the bathroom with a toilet and a big sink we use to wash clothes and Daliah's dirty diapers. I quickly got out of bed and went to the kitchen where my mom was preparing breakfast cold rice and nan.
"Yes mother?"I said in a low tone from just waking up.
"I need you to fill up the water tank, wash your toshak, the bed sheets, and Daliah's diapers."
"I know mother" I said because those are my usual chores and there's more throughout the day. I grabbed the big bucket we use to get water. Before I left I grabbed the note papa wrote for me so I could go outside because I was 15 now and that was the Talib rules. I grabbed my dirty toshak and put on my old sandles than were worn out and have me blisters if I walked for too long. I unlocked the door because mother doesn't want the Talib bursting in here, even though we really aren't supposed lock the door mom does it anyway. I walked carefully down the stepts because they were very steep. I leaped down from the straits to the ground because one of the stairs were missing. I walked down the dusty street trying to avoid the pots holes. I got to the tap and filled up the bucket to where I could carry it without it being to heavy for me, I couldn't fill it up all the way but pretty close.
Six more trips to go I thought. I hated filling up the water tank its so much work when it's empty. My mother asked me to do it yesterday and I know it wouldn't be as many trips today as it would have been yesterday. I walked down the road, avoided the pot holes so I wouldn't spill the water, up the stairs and back to the house. I repeated that for what felt like hours and probably was. When I was finally done and my feet were bleeding from the blisters popping and torn apart from my sandles I walked back up the stairs to our apartment. As soon I got in the door I kicked of my shoes and didn't even bother to take off my toshak because I knew I needed to wash it. I was so tired but I knew I needed to finish my chores, and mama was working alot harder and longer than me. I tip toed around the mattresses because walking on the sole of my feet hurt to much, I made my way to the bathroom and started filling up the sink and placed my toshak in the soapy water and started scrubbing the dirt my ewwwwmy fingers. I did my toshak first so I'm not washing op it in Daliahs dirty diapers. I scrubbed all the diapers one by one with a cloth and set them on the floor to dry. Once I was done I pulled the sheets off the bed and washed those as well.
"Finished!" I yelled from the bathroom but not to loud because I didn't need to. I walked to the kitchen to see mom brewing tea.
"Would you like a cup?" She offered and I love tea so I would never turn it down.
"Yes, please" I said back. I watched her pour a cup of boiling water into a mug and place a tea bag inside. I wiggled the tea bag up and down until the water turned a light green with little herbs floating around. I sipped the tea slowly because it was hot, I was hungry aswell but today I needed to go to the market today. I needed to wait until father got back from selling his books to get the note. Daliah was still sleeping because she was up crying last night.
"You need to go to the market" my mother ordered
" Fathers not back" I said in return she glared at me and I knew I was supposed to go so I put my sandles on my blistered feet and put on my damp toshak because it wasn't completely dry. I took the money from mother and headed out the door. I hopped down the stairs and got to the street. It was about a mile to market from the apartment so I started walked after half a mile I started wincing every time I took a step, my feet were on fire and bleeding a bit from the blisters. I turned onto main Street with all the shops. I was really scared because I didn't have father or a note. With the Talib around all the time they will ask for the note and how old you are and since I'm not under age them I can be arrested but I knew mama needed me to get the food so I kept low and kept my face hidden. I got to one of the shops with the bread and asked for 2 loafs of nan. I kept walking down the street I got to a soldier and stared at the dusty ground
" Who are you with" the man with a deep voice said more of a statement then a question. I kept my mouth shut and my head down.
"Answer me!" the man shouted in my face. Before I even knew it my legs were moving as fast as they would (which wasn't very fast because I never ran" leaving a trail of dust, I looked behind for a split second and he was right behind me with 2 other men beside him. I started slowing down, I was getting tired but I knew they would catch me if did so I trying to figure out where I was and think of a good place to hide. I remembered me and Dali would always play hide "n" go seek alot when we were younger. I remembered there was a building that we always used to hide in. I turned into an alleyway and quickly ran into the door.
I hope I won't get caught I thought I was really scared. I hid behind a whole bunch of boxes. I heard the door open and then slam shut! I knew it was one of the soldiers, I kept hidden and tried not to make a noise but I was so thirsty and I was panting from running so much. I shifted the tiniest bit so I wasn't standing on my feet that were in so much pain. When I shifted a box started swaying and I tried to stop it from falling but it was to late, the box and everything inside it tumbled to the ground making a loud noise. I heard the man running towards me. I didn't know what to do I was so shocked from what I had done my body froze, I tried to get up but my legs just didn't get the message. I closed my eyes waiting for something to happen I opened them when I heard foot steps right beside me   and in my sight was a tall man with a turban sitting on top of his head. I just said there staring at him yelling at me.

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